Reviews + Articles

Happy Anniversary

Happy Anniversary

Missed it! Well, that might be the first time ever that I missed the anniversary. Well, I didn't really miss it. I realized at 10:00 PM that it was Jan. 6. Eleven years ago I wrote the first post for the blog that would eventually become Lesa's Book Critiques....


Born in Ice by Nora Roberts

Born in Ice by Nora Roberts

Is there anything quite as satisfying as a book in a Nora Roberts trilogy? As much as I love mysteries, there's just something about her characters and her descriptions of their lives, their homes, and, in the case of the Irish Born books, the descriptions of Irish...


What Are You Reading?

Do you ever read a book and get to a chapter when you know something horrific is going to happen, and put it down, saying, I can't read that right now? Sometimes, it happens when I'm reading the book at work, and think, I don't think I should read that right now on...