Reviews + Articles
What Are You Reading?
Before I start in, I just wanted to ask if anyone wants to do a Favorite Books of 2023 list to run here on the blog? Glen already mentioned that he's going to start working on his list. Of course, I'll have a list. I'd love to have posts from others if you'd like...
Library Journal’s Best Crime Fiction of 2023
Everyone has their "Best of" list out. This isn't the same as my favorites of 2023, which I always run at the beginning of the new year. And, I'll be inviting anyone who wants to participate to take part in that again this year. This is Library Journal's Best Crime...
Lost Hours by Paige Shelton
While I'm a fan of Paige Shelton's Alaska Wild series, in my opinion, Lost Hours isn't the best of the five books. I found it confusing at times, with too many plotlines to keep straight. And, with the cliffhanger ending that I suspected was coming, I don't know...
Sniffing Out Murder by Kallie E. Benjamin
Writing as Kallie E. Benjamin, Valerie Burns (V.M. Burns) launches the Bailey the Bloodhound cozy mystery series. She's carved out a little niche for herself in northern Indiana, southern Michigan, for settings. This series is set in Crosbyville, a city of 30,000...
Death Writes by Andrea Carter
Andrea Carter takes readers back to the Inoshowen Peninsula in Ireland for the sixth book in the series, Death Writes. While other books in the series have been described as atmospheric, in this one, the focus is not on the landscape, but on the people involved...
That Others May Live by Sara Driscoll
Fans have probably been waiting for the seventh book in the FBI K-9 series, That Others May Live, for a while. Jen J. Danna, half of the writing team of Sara Driscoll explains the delay. due to the death of her writing partner, Ann Vanderlaan. But, before...