There’s just something about Veronica Bond’s Dinner and a Murder series that appeals to me. I don’t know if it’s the castle setting in a small town near Chicago. It might be that the actors in the Castle Dark theater provide a permanent cast of recurring characters, along with new actors. Or, it just might be the theater connection. But, Bond (Julia Buckley) brings actress Nora Blake, her friends and family to life in this entertaining cozy mystery series, including the latest book, Castle Deadly, Castle Deep.

Nora Blake loves her employers, friends, and fellow cast members at Castle Dark. But, their latest production in the Gothic castle makes her a little uneasy. They’re performing this one in the catacombs of the castle. Yes, she knows the props are only that, but there’s something spooky about the setting. And, on the first night of their Halloween production, when they’re entertaining fellow actors from the Blue Curtain community theatre, Nora stumbles over the body of a fellow actor. And, the entire cast was in a photograph before the production started, so Nora knows the killer is an actor in one of the two companies.
When Detective John Dashiell of the Wood Glen Police takes control of the crime scene, Nora isn’t happy. She and Dash had a hot romance in August, but now that she’s in the castle production and performing in Ibsen’s “A Doll’s House”, they don’t seem to have time for each other. Now, he’s partnered with an attractive detective, and Nora’s not comfortable with the state of their relationship. They seem stiff and uncomfortable around each other.
So, Nora doesn’t tell Dash that she’s hearing odd sounds in the small library next to her room in the castle. She does tell the Corby brothers, her employers, Derek and Paul, but they have financial worries and Derek is the director of both local plays. So, no one really takes time to address her concerns.
I’ll admit the lack of communication between Nora and Dash bothered me. I take my mystery characters seriously, and they should have both been mature enough to discuss their relationship. But, honestly? That just shows that Bond creates believable characters because, as a reader, I’m invested in them. I like Nora, Dash, Nora’s twin brothers, and her friends. And, her three kittens, named after the Bronte sisters, are just adorable.
I liked last year’s Death in Castle Dark. And, Bond doesn’t disappoint with an amateur sleuth who knows how to fight back to save herself. As a theater lover, I find this series entertaining and satisfying. If you’re looking for believable characters in a cozy mystery, you won’t go wrong with this series.
Veronica Bond’s website is
Castle Deadly, Castle Deep by Veronica Bond. Berkley Prime Crime, 2022. ISBN 9780593335901 (paperback)
FTC Full Disclosure – I downloaded a copy through NetGalley.
I enjoyed the first book in the series and have this one on hold at the library
I just really like this series and the characters, Sandy.
Thank you so much for reading and reviewing, Lesa!
Love this series. Can’t wait for my sister to read it so we can talk about it! We both enjoyed the first one.