Andrea Carter takes readers back to the Inoshowen Peninsula in Ireland for the sixth book in the series, Death Writes. While other books in the series have been described as atmospheric, in this one, the focus is not on the landscape, but on the people involved with solicitor Benedicta (Ben) O’Keeffe.

Ben and her parents haven’t been close since her sister’s murder, but the news that strangers had moved into her parents’ home sends Ben and her boyfriend Police Sergeant Tom Molloy on a hurried trip to Dublin. They find the outsiders gone, except for one man who was already living with them, a fellow member of their grief group. After learning Tom was a Garda, the man cleared out, leaving Ben’s parents fearful. She was afraid to leave them alone in the house, so invited them to stay with her for a while.

It’s perfect timing. Glenfest, Glendara’s literary festival is just about to begin. Ben’s mother, a retired librarian, is happy to learn of the festival coup. Gavin Featherstone, a writer and Booker Prize winner who lives in Donegal, agreed to be the keynote speaker. A film crew shows up before the opening of the festival. And, Featherstone is prepared to read from his forthcoming memoir. But, before he can do that, he keels over on the stage.

Featherstone’s death leaves Ben with a dilemma. She has his original will, and his estranged wife and adult children consult her about the estate. Then, his assistant shows up with a second, later will. However, the estate can’t be settled yet. Gavin Featherstone was murdered, and the killer, who could be his assistant or a family member, can’t inherit. The case needs to be solved soon.

While Molloy and Ben have often found themselves on opposite sides of investigations, this time, they’re both looking for a killer. At the same time, Molloy is digging into the truth about the man who was living with Ben’s parents.

Wills, families, inheritances, pressure on lonely older or ailing people. Those elements are all essential in Carter’s latest intriguing mystery. It can be read as a standalone. I highly recommend this absorbing story.

Andrea Carter’s website is

Death Writes by Andrea Carter. Oceanview Publishing, 2023. ISBN 9781608095667 (hardcover), 320p.

FTC Full Disclosure – I received a galley through NetGalley to review for a journal.