How are you feeling today? Any new distractions, or are you feeling back to normal? How is your state handling the shutdown, or didn’t it shut down? I know a few states, like Iowa, didn’t.

Indiana is slowly letting go of the grip, but it could be tightened if Covid-19 explodes around the state. We’re going back to work on Monday, May 11, but the public isn’t invited back yet. I have an online meeting this Wednesday, so I’ll probably know a little more then.

I’m looking forward to seeing and talking with people I know. That’s the good part. Here’s what I’m going to miss – watching the wildlife outside my back door. There’s a rabbit and baby bunny, a squirrel I call George, and ducks who regularly run across the back lawn. They’re all out in the morning, and I enjoy the visits. (The cats ignore them all.)

I’m reading a little more, talking to family a little less. We don’t really have much to say since we’re all stuck at home.

Looking ahead to the week – there’s a streaming rebroadcast of The King and I on March 8. My Mom, sisters and I saw it on Broadway with Kelli O’Hara. That’s the one that’s being shown. She won the Tony for the role, and she was marvelous.

And, today is May 4. The Kent State shootings were fifty years ago today, May 4, 1970. I was only in eighth grade at the time, but five years later I went to Kent. I lived in a dorm that still had bullet holes in it. The memories of that weekend and that day lingered five years later, and one of my English professors even covered it in class. The Columbus Dispatch has been running a series about the shootings.  That’s what I’m going to do today – read the newspaper. They were all so wrong fifty years ago.

Those are my distractions. What are you doing? Most of all, are you doing okay?