Well, I was distracted, and didn’t realize I’d missed yesterday’s Distractions, and it looks like I missed it last week as well. Are you doing any better with reading this week? Or, what have you been doing while we’ve been socially isolating at home?
I finished a couple books. Historical romances have been my escape. But, I’ve still been watching musical theater. I watched Pride and Prejudice: The Musical back-to-back on Friday night. It was streaming, and the second half of the production was out of sync when I watched it live, so I watched it the second time, and it was much better. Sunday night, I watched Bloody Sunday, an Irish musical about the Easter Rising that was filmed for PBS. Tragic, but wonderful Irish music.
So, before we talk about what you’ve been doing, I’m going to mention a schedule change. Many of you also participate in What Are You Reading? on Thursdays. We’re going to switch it to Friday, just for this week because I have a commitment for a book review on Thursday. (I didn’t pick the date. I try not to pick a Thursday, if I’m given a choice.)
I did want to mention Poisoned Pen’s blog, which I write. For the last two weeks, on Monday, Wednesday and Friday, authors have been writing their “Distractions”. The authors, so far, have been Laurie R. King, Dana Stabenow, Kaye Wilkinson Barley, and Rhys Bowen. Here’s the link if you’d like to check it out. https://poisonedpen.com/category/fiction-review/
So, how are you doing? Just a reminder that we all need distractions now and then. It’s not easy staying home without contact with others outside our immediate household. And, it can be even harder if you live alone. Everyone is affected by depression at moments right now, even those of us who are usually upbeat. One of my favorite journalists, who always reminds her readers to breathe, had a rough time yesterday. Her readers came through with wonderful notes of support. So, we’re all friends here. I just wanted to let you know if you just want to whine or express your feelings, email me at Lesa.Holstine@gmail.com. No one is immune right now. If you need an ear or a virtual hug, please reach out.
How are you doing this week? What distractions have you found, books or otherwise?
I have been reading more lately. Last was The Mykonos Mob by Jeffrey Siger, currently is the fascinating (so far) Recursion by Blake Crouch. The premise is that there is a False Memory Syndrome, where people not only remember their actual lives, but a supposedly other, previous life with different people, jobs, etc. 10% of people with this syndrome end up committing suicide. I'm curious to discover where he goes with this.
Otherwise, there hasn't been much distraction. A group of our friends (from our previous mystery group) asked me to send a "what are you up to today?" thing several times a week, so we can keep up with each other and what is going on.
But the big excitement: we're going out for the first time in a week this morning to restock at the supermarket.
Good luck at the supermarket, Jeff! I'm always surprised what is not available at any given time there.
I'm glad you mentioned Jeff Siger. I have his most recent book here someplace, and once I finish the couple I'm reading for Library Journal, I should pick that one up. I love his books, but never received that one on time when his publishing company was sold.
I started reading 2 ARCS yesterday so I hope this is a sign that my reading mojo is slowly coming back!
I attended the virtual Boston Noir at the Bar last night. So much fun…I knew half the authors who did readings and the others were new to me
And I baked my last loaf of sourdough this morning, and am enjoying a warm buttered slice with my coffee. But now I am out of flour so my baking is on hold …my Instacart grocery deliveries always fail to successfully add this item to my shopping cart. Looks like many others are on a baking binge.
Grace, Out of curiosity, how long is it taking for your Instacart orders to be filled?
I know what you're going through, not feeling like reading. Good luck now that you have a couple ARCs, and attended Boston Noir at the Bar.
Your bread sounds wonderful. My sister, who does bake all the time, complained about the lack of flour, but her daughter finally found some.
Lesa, Instacart orders are now being filled every 4-5 days here in Ottawa. I know friends who have had to wait 2-3 WEEKS for their Instacart delivery, so I consider myself lucky (except for the missing flour). I have been in self-isolation for 28 days but I hope to get clearance to leave my apt this week. My COVID-19 symptoms have greatly improved.
Siger update/warning: this one came out a year ago. A lot of people didn't get it either. My library has most of his books but not this one. I ended up buying the Kindle edition ($6.15). Now I see there is supposedly a "new" one that just came out, but even a cursory look shows that ISLAND OF SECRETS is as THE MYKONOS MOB with a new title and higher price (Kindle, $7.99), so be careful!
Good morning. I am fortunate to have the distraction of preparing the May issue of The Stiletta, the Sisters in Crime of Northern California newsletter. I am waiting for a few articles, which should show up this week or next. My fellow Siblings have been so generous in committing to articles during this dark period. Usually the issues run around 30 pages–we'll see what happens this time. We're having our monthly meetings on Zoom, which has worked out well so far. This month it was a Q&A session with one of our members who is a cybercrime expert.
Toastmasters meetings continue to be on Zoom. This week the Toastmaster's theme is National Pajama Day, and we are all encouraged to wear pajamas to the meeting. Should be fun. My book club also had a Zoom meeting, more to check up on everyone than to discuss books. It was a lot of silliness, which we sorely needed.
I am expecting two shipments from Target today, one of which should include some liquid hand soap (!) Last week I scored a pickup time and date at Walmart, where I stocked up on some more groceries. Honestly, strategizing about what I need and where and when I can get it without entering a store have become an obsession, even though I'm in pretty good shape so far.
Escrow on my home has been delayed–banks are slow because everyone seems to be refinancing. I'm keeping my fingers crossed that I don't lose the house I am buying.
Reading continues to be an obsession, although I think I am a harsher critic than usual.
Everyone, stay safe and healthy!
Grace, That's interesting. Who gives you clearance to leave your house?
Thanks for the update and heads-up, Jeff. I appreciate it. I know I haven't heard anything about a new book.
Margie, Keeping my fingers crossed for you. I hope everything works out with the selling and buying of the new house. I know what you mean, though, about being a harsher critic. I haven't given a mystery a high mark lately, and I"m reading one, and told my LJ editor that it is just weird. I've read 57 pages, and can't figure out where the heck it's going, or why it's even going right now.
Good luck!
I was tested COVID-19 positive by Ottawa Public Health on March 21. Once I get a negative test from them as well as my own observations of being symptom-free, I will get clearance to end my self-isolation.
We’ve been doing yard work when the weather permits and online Zumba and Yogs. I’ve also managed to read more this past week.
Thank you, Grace. I just wondered how that worked.
That's great, Sandy. I'm sure we'll hear about some of those books on Friday. Take care of yourself!
I watched for the second time the movie Yesterday. If you liked the Beatles songs you will love this story – great distraction.
I know that the system to test and identify positive cases and when people are classified as "resolved/cured" varies by city/province here in Canada. I would think there would be similar variations by city/county/state in the USA.
The right movie works beautifully right now, doesn't it, Donna?
I'm fortunate that I have no idea, Grace. But, we're a mess right now here, so I'm sure there are all kinds of variations here.
I'm still working, but this business of staying home every night is irksome.
I'm watching movies, playing computer mah jongg, and talking on the phone a lot.
I read:
One Minute OUt by Mark Greaney; The Gray Man tries to stop a Jeffrey Epstein type human trafficker, only to find out he's protected by the agency he works for.
Hawke's Target by Reavis Z Wortham; Texas Ranger pursues a vigilante, who just happens to belong to a mutant redneck crime family.
Wright or Wrong by W. Glenn Duncan Jr.; Rafferty witnesses a Columbine school style school shooting, and is hired to find evidence about one of the shooters. A lot less action than usual for Rafferty.
And some e-books I've forgotten about.
Irksome is a good word for it, Glen. I'm doing What Are You Reading? tomorrow this week, a switch due to the book I reviewed. But, I'm really glad you stopped by and told us.
Thank you! Always good to hear from you. Take care of yourself.
Maybe I'll have a book finished by tomorrow!
And, even if you don't, Glen, stop by to check in and say hi. Take care!