Well, I was distracted, and didn’t realize I’d missed yesterday’s Distractions, and it looks like I missed it last week as well. Are you doing any better with reading this week? Or, what have you been doing while we’ve been socially isolating at home?

I finished a couple books. Historical romances have been my escape. But, I’ve still been watching musical theater. I watched Pride and Prejudice: The Musical back-to-back on Friday night. It was streaming, and the second half of the production was out of sync when I watched it live, so I watched it the second time, and it was much better. Sunday night, I watched Bloody Sunday, an Irish musical about the Easter Rising that was filmed for PBS. Tragic, but wonderful Irish music.

So, before we talk about what you’ve been doing, I’m going to mention a schedule change. Many of you also participate in What Are You Reading? on Thursdays. We’re going to switch it to Friday, just for this week because I have a commitment for a book review on Thursday. (I didn’t pick the date. I try not to pick a Thursday, if I’m given a choice.)

I did want to mention Poisoned Pen’s blog, which I write. For the last two weeks, on Monday, Wednesday and Friday, authors have been writing their “Distractions”. The authors, so far, have been Laurie R. King, Dana Stabenow, Kaye Wilkinson Barley, and Rhys Bowen. Here’s the link if you’d like to check it out. https://poisonedpen.com/category/fiction-review/

So, how are you doing? Just a reminder that we all need distractions now and then. It’s not easy staying home without contact with others outside our immediate household. And, it can be even harder if you live alone. Everyone is affected by depression at moments right now, even those of us who are usually upbeat. One of my favorite journalists, who always reminds her readers to breathe, had a rough time yesterday. Her readers came through with wonderful notes of support. So, we’re all friends here. I just wanted to let you know if you just want to whine or express your feelings, email me at Lesa.Holstine@gmail.com. No one is immune right now. If you need an ear or a virtual hug, please reach out.

How are you doing this week? What distractions have you found, books or otherwise?