I just couldn’t get into a book this weekend. How about you? Are you finding something that is a distraction? I am reading a book, and I’ll have a review on Wednesday of Rebecca Serle’s latest novel In Five Years. It’s about a woman who has her life all planned out, at least for the next five years, but on the night she gets engaged, she wakes up five years in the future with a man she doesn’t know. An hour later, she’s back in her planned life. But, what about her unplanned future?

Tomorrow, author Edith Maxwell will be here with a guest post talking about writing and surviving in a time of quarantine. A timely post.

What are you doing for distraction? Music and movies. I watched an online show from Ireland with one of the singers from Celtic Thunder, Emmet Cahill. I watched my favorite western, a black-and-white movie from 1951 called “Westward the Women”. My father-in-law and I used to watch it together. And, I watched part of “The Hobbit: The Battle of the Five Armies”. I really only like the first and the last in that series, but I’ll start watching either one of those movies at any part.

And, then last night I watched something online that was really unusual. It was on YouTube, “The Rose O’Donnell Show LIVE!” with all kind of Broadway actors as a fundraiser for The Actors Fund. You all know how much I love Broadway, so this was sad as well as fun.

I spent hours on the phone, so much more than I usually do because I usually hate talking on the phone. But, I talked to my Mom several times. I also enjoyed talking with friends in Virginia, Arizona and Wisconsin. It’s a time to reach out and talk to people. In fact, we need to.

So, what are you doing for distractions right now?