I’m going back to work today, but I don’t think readers are ready for the world to return to normal. I know I only had a couple entries in Friday’s blog giveaway. So, I took it off the blog, and I’ll contact the two people who will receive the books. It’s evidently too early to start it, which is fine with me. So, preparation for work and the blog were my first distractions this weekend. I also read some interesting books for Library Journal, and you’ll be seeing those posts in July and August.

Other than that, I took the male cats to the vet for their annual check-up and shots. The vets are doing an outstanding job with curbside service as people sit in their cars and the technicians pick up the animals. Josh was fine, cuddling me as soon as we were home. It took Jinx two days to forgive me.

I’m reading again, and, as I said, back to work today so I won’t be on the blog as often during the day. Don’t worry. I’ll catch up. And, the library is not reopening to the public yet, and we have no timeframe for that.

The important question is, how are you doing? Please take care of yourselves. I don’t really think we’re as ready as some of the states seem to think, so it’s important to stay safe.