I’m going back to work today, but I don’t think readers are ready for the world to return to normal. I know I only had a couple entries in Friday’s blog giveaway. So, I took it off the blog, and I’ll contact the two people who will receive the books. It’s evidently too early to start it, which is fine with me. So, preparation for work and the blog were my first distractions this weekend. I also read some interesting books for Library Journal, and you’ll be seeing those posts in July and August.
Other than that, I took the male cats to the vet for their annual check-up and shots. The vets are doing an outstanding job with curbside service as people sit in their cars and the technicians pick up the animals. Josh was fine, cuddling me as soon as we were home. It took Jinx two days to forgive me.
I’m reading again, and, as I said, back to work today so I won’t be on the blog as often during the day. Don’t worry. I’ll catch up. And, the library is not reopening to the public yet, and we have no timeframe for that.
The important question is, how are you doing? Please take care of yourselves. I don’t really think we’re as ready as some of the states seem to think, so it’s important to stay safe.
I'm sure you will be, but an extra reminder to be careful!
Jackie has had back issues over the years, but this time she seems to have pulled a leg muscle while putting on her shoes! It has been bothering her for much of the week. I guess it's lucky she doesn't have to go out. Other than that, things are pretty much the same. We got out shopping once a week, stay home and cook and read and watch television, and occasionally get deliveries from local restaurants.
Wednesday I am scheduled for a Covid test, so will let you know what that is like. I'm fine, but I will be curious to see if I did have it weeks ago as a doctor suggested was possible.
Lesa, please stay safe and I hope you can ease yourself back to working full-time. Our libraries are closed until June 30, so I am definitely buying a lot more books than usual.
Ontario still has one of the highest rates of new COVID-19 cases so the movement towards opening things up has been (rightfully) slow.
On Friday, Ottawa opened up city parks for more than walkthroughs which is good but you still cannot sit on a bench or use any playground facilities or tennis/ball diamonds.
Our annual Tulip Festival normally brings over 750,000 visitors to view millions of blooms but this is a virtual event this year. But even Mother Nature is not cooperating. Less than 25% of the tulips are in bloom. It snowed on Saturday and Sunday and we have record cold temperatures forecasted for the next few days. But on Saturday, the city/organizers lifted the in-person photography ban for the few who do decide to view the blooms live. One of the main beds is 5-minutes away from home, so I hope to take some photos late this week when the colourful blooms are in peak.
Not much reading done, but 2 ARCS were read.
Another 2 ARCS are due this week. I am really enjoying one, Zoe Sharp's BONES IN THE RIVER which is a new series featuring a CSI technician and police detective duo in northern England.
Stay safe everyone and have a good week.
Hi, Lesa. The reason I didn't enter the contests is because I'd already read the books! So please don't assume it's too early. My libraries continue to supply the e-books I request, even though some are brand new–love it!
My main distraction is getting ready for my move, since escrow finally closed last week. I have made several long spreadsheets for myself and am working through them. I'm not looking forward to the packing, but there's no getting around it. I had a virtual walk-through by the moving company on Friday, and I'm waiting to get their estimate. This week I will go pick up the keys, take some measurements, and take a few things to the new house, which I have only seen once in person. I'm looking forward to living in a fairly new house (6 years) in a gated community, with solar, only 15 minutes from my younger son, daughter-in-law, and two grandchildren.
I am delighted that my local Starbucks is now open for pickup, as I've had only two frappuccinos since quarantine started. Those and one pizza pickup have been my only food/drink takeouts. The upside is that I've lost 7 pounds.
I watched the "Absence of Malice" Zoom meeting featuring 17 authors with anecdotes about each other, in lieu of the cancelled Malice Domestic convention. And I continue to attend Zoom meetings for Toastmasters, Sisters in Crime, and my book club.
I also attended Saturday's Absence of Malice. That was fun, and I learned some new facts about the beginnings for some of my favourite authors. Might as well stay indoors, we had snow flurries and hail falling during the virtual event!
Take care and share your experiences of being back at work. Our local library says it is closed thru May 31; however last I heard staff was going to go in two weeks prior to whenever the actual projected opening was going to be to do a deep cleaning on everything.
The quantity of returned books is going to be overwhelming, how is your library handling that aspect so they will not be inundated with thousands of books all at once. I
I had already read two of the giveaway books so I didn’t enter for them. Not much has opened up in NJ. I made a run out to get groceries this morning so now I’ll read for a while. Tue, Wed and Thur nights we have online exercise classes so that’s something to look forward to. And if it ever warms up I’ll finish planting my garden.
I love your updates! Thank you.
It's lunchtime here, so I have a little time to read your notes, and send one response about work. We had a meeting with our Director this morning, in my department. Everyone, including the director, wore a mask, and we practiced social distancing as we sat around the department. I'm wearing gloves to unpack new boxes of books. My department doesn't work with the returned items, and these items have been sitting here for almost 6 weeks, so they've been quarantined.
They're handling returns by putting them in a meeting room – books for 48 hours, dvds & cds for 72, and the staff cleans them afterwards before checking them in. Our bookdrops have been open all along, so we do have returns. Our facilities men were emptying book drops when they went to check on each building. Our cleaning staff here is devoted to certain areas & they are cleaning surfaces & door handles and everything constantly. We also have wipes and spray to clean hard surfaces before we go home at the end of the day.
And, 2 of my staff, with 2 more able, will be working from home most of the time. They are high risk, and they have jobs that they can do from home on the computer. I think I'll remain here with those staff who cannot work from home, since I'm the supervisor of the department.
We can't say for sure, but our director doesn't expect that we'll remain open even for working with just staff. He thinks the state might have opened too soon, and we'll have to go back to staying home in a few weeks.But, that's just his educated guess. He's been spending lots of time watching other libraries and states and what is happening.
My staff was very appreciative of the time the director gave us this morning. We have the right leadership at the right time.
My county was one of the first to open up in the state. So far nothing has happened.
There was a military flyover this weekend. That was cool.
Evansville has an airshow most years, Glen, and we can see the planes practicing from our building. That's always fun!
Our stats for Covid-19 are already going up, so we'll see what happens here.
So…this happened today….I have books due here in Dallas this Friday. The joint has been shuttered since the middle of March. I sent a direct tweet this morning to DPL asking when they would open and got the same rote formulaic and utterly meaningless reply message that they have been sending out for a month now. I snapped and was rather rude in my reply back that came down to give me a real answer and not meaning nonsense you have been sending out for a month.
I got a reply from the director herself minutes ago that stated all the renewals are being extended to August 30th and that she hopes to have guidance and a timeline soon. The only real news before it swung back to a formulaic answer is that checkouts are being pushed back to August 30th.
That means they will not be opening the drop boxes or doing anything curbside for at least 60 if not 90 days. That means the new Sandford and other things are not coming my way anytime soon.
At least I know. Scott just informed me that this is good as I do not need more books, I have plenty here, and I should be working on my own fiction.
Anyway, I thought this all might be of interest as it shows how folks in different libraries are handling things differently.
That weirdo in Texas,
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