Lightning bugs! I turned off my TV over the weekend, and went out in the backyard and watched lightning bugs on Friday night. Or, depending where you are in the country, fireflies. For my friend Rosemary – depending where you are in the U.S., they’re either fireflies or lightning bugs. And, some places are too hot. We didn’t see lightning bugs when I lived in Florida and Arizona. It was the most delightful distraction I’ve had lately.

Honestly? Turning off the TV was the best thing I did this week. I can only take so much of the news before I start to get upset. I know we had this conversation last week. It’s still the best thing I’ve done.

And, I read. I have a Thursday deadline for Library Journal, so I read three books over the weekend. One was excellent, one good, and one was tolerable. I’m always looking for that next excellent book.

What about you? Were you looking for distractions this past week?