Tomorrow, I’m reviewing the second in E.J. Copperman’s “Agent to the Paws” mystery series, Bird, Bath, and Beyond. It’s the perfect time to ask the author a few questions. I think you’ll enjoy the answers.
E.J., would you introduce yourself to readers?
Hello, readers! I’m
E.J. Copperman. (You want more than that?) I’ve written a bunch of mystery series, but
the one you probably know about is the Haunted Guesthouse mysteries. Except
today I’m talking about the Asperger’s Mystery series (which I write with Jeff
Cohen) and the Agent to the Paws series because books in both of those will be
out October 9. (Yes, the same day. Don’t ask.)
E.J. Copperman. (You want more than that?) I’ve written a bunch of mystery series, but
the one you probably know about is the Haunted Guesthouse mysteries. Except
today I’m talking about the Asperger’s Mystery series (which I write with Jeff
Cohen) and the Agent to the Paws series because books in both of those will be
out October 9. (Yes, the same day. Don’t ask.)
Before we go any further, is there some sort of rivalry
between you and Jeff Cohen?
between you and Jeff Cohen?
We don’t like to talk
about it. But I would like to clear up the misconception that we’re never seen in
the same room. Whenever I look into a mirror I see both of us. Which is weird.
I’ll have to ask Cohen if that happens to him too.
about it. But I would like to clear up the misconception that we’re never seen in
the same room. Whenever I look into a mirror I see both of us. Which is weird.
I’ll have to ask Cohen if that happens to him too.
Would you introduce us to Kay Powell?
Readers, this is Kay.
Kay… nah, I did that joke already. Kay is the Agent to the Paws, in that she’s
a theatrical talent agent whose clients are all not humans. In BIRD BATH AND
BEYOND, the second book in the series, she’s representing Barney, who through
no fault of his own is a parrot. Kay grew up in a theatrical family (her
parents are performers who now work on cruise ships) and decided to give up the
spotlight and go to law school. After which she started trying to get work for
dogs, cats, birds and the occasional boa constrictor.
Kay… nah, I did that joke already. Kay is the Agent to the Paws, in that she’s
a theatrical talent agent whose clients are all not humans. In BIRD BATH AND
BEYOND, the second book in the series, she’s representing Barney, who through
no fault of his own is a parrot. Kay grew up in a theatrical family (her
parents are performers who now work on cruise ships) and decided to give up the
spotlight and go to law school. After which she started trying to get work for
dogs, cats, birds and the occasional boa constrictor.
Tell us about Bird, Bath, and Beyond without spoilers.

See above, but what
happens is that Barney is in the trailer when Dray Mattone, star of the TV
drama DEAD CITY, is shot and killed. So the police naturally want to question
the bird, despite Kay’s insistence that Barney doesn’t converse; he just
repeats phrases he’s been taught at length. So when Barney starts spontaneously
saying things like, “Put down the gun!” things get a little complicated.
happens is that Barney is in the trailer when Dray Mattone, star of the TV
drama DEAD CITY, is shot and killed. So the police naturally want to question
the bird, despite Kay’s insistence that Barney doesn’t converse; he just
repeats phrases he’s been taught at length. So when Barney starts spontaneously
saying things like, “Put down the gun!” things get a little complicated.
What kind of animal will Kay represent next? Can you tell us
anything about the next book in this series?
anything about the next book in this series?
All I can tell you
about the next book in the series is that if you want there to be one, you
REALLY need to get everyone you know to buy BIRD BATH AND BEYOND. Tell your
friends. Tell your enemies. Tell strangers in the street. Seriously. Tell
about the next book in the series is that if you want there to be one, you
REALLY need to get everyone you know to buy BIRD BATH AND BEYOND. Tell your
friends. Tell your enemies. Tell strangers in the street. Seriously. Tell
I know you were influenced by movies as well as books. What
movies and books had the greatest influence on your writing?
movies and books had the greatest influence on your writing?
I first realized
someone wrote movies when I saw NORTH BY NORTHWEST for the first time when I
was maybe eight or nine. And I immediately wanted to be the person who wrote
that. So I spent 20 years not selling the screenplays I wrote and then came up
with an idea that refused to be anything but a novel. And here we are.
someone wrote movies when I saw NORTH BY NORTHWEST for the first time when I
was maybe eight or nine. And I immediately wanted to be the person who wrote
that. So I spent 20 years not selling the screenplays I wrote and then came up
with an idea that refused to be anything but a novel. And here we are.
New Jersey. There are so many stereotypes about New Jersey.
Where do you like to take people when they come to visit?
Where do you like to take people when they come to visit?
Most people I know are
from here, but I try to get visitors away from Newark International Airport as
quickly as possible because that’s about the worst possible impression anyone
can be given of the Garden State. Driving out of the airport near the oil
refineries I completely understand why people think of us as a toxic waste dump
run by the mob. But it’s not. For those who want to go, as we say, down the
shore, there are lovely beaches that aren’t at all like the TV show JERSEY
SHORE, mountains, wineries, lovely small towns and interesting larger cities.
And we have the greatest bagels and diners on the planet. Drop on by. Mention
my name. Nobody will know who that is, but it’ll start a conversation for you.
from here, but I try to get visitors away from Newark International Airport as
quickly as possible because that’s about the worst possible impression anyone
can be given of the Garden State. Driving out of the airport near the oil
refineries I completely understand why people think of us as a toxic waste dump
run by the mob. But it’s not. For those who want to go, as we say, down the
shore, there are lovely beaches that aren’t at all like the TV show JERSEY
SHORE, mountains, wineries, lovely small towns and interesting larger cities.
And we have the greatest bagels and diners on the planet. Drop on by. Mention
my name. Nobody will know who that is, but it’ll start a conversation for you.
Name an author or book that you wish had received more
Cohen would want me to
mention his name, but I think people like Dave White and Cheryl Solimini should
get a second look. And Cornelia Read, who needs, shall we say, encouragement.
mention his name, but I think people like Dave White and Cheryl Solimini should
get a second look. And Cornelia Read, who needs, shall we say, encouragement.
Have the books of any new author, an up-and-comer, caught
your attention?
your attention?
Kellye Garrett is
good. Read her Detective By Day books.
good. Read her Detective By Day books.
I always end with this question because I’m a librarian.
Tell me a story about a library or librarian in your life.
Tell me a story about a library or librarian in your life.
My son is currently
studying for his master’s degree in Information and Library Science. So he’s my
most memorable librarian by far. He’ll be out of school in about a year and a
half. Give him a job.
studying for his master’s degree in Information and Library Science. So he’s my
most memorable librarian by far. He’ll be out of school in about a year and a
half. Give him a job.
Thank you, E.J. Copperman’s website is
As I said, come back tomorrow for my review of Bird, Bath, and Beyond.
Funny. I have to agree about Newark Airport. It IS a toxic waste dump! Driving there, trying to find the long term parking lot – they make you drive around the ENTIRE airport, and last time we were there I ran into road construction (surprise!), couldn't take the exit, and wound up in Newark itself, which was fun – not!
That is funny, Jeff, but then, I didn't have to drive around the Newark Airport.