We’re getting close, so I wanted to remind you, if you’re interested, or let new readers know what some of us do in the beginning of the new year.
In recent years, we’ve been sharing our Favorite Books of 2024. This is not a “Best of” list. Personally, I know I don’t read so many books that I can do a “Best of 2024” list. I can do a list of my favorite books in 2024. And, I do that at the very end of the year because I never know. I might still read something I love in the last few weeks of the year.
So, here’s what happens. On Dec. 30, I’ll run my list of Favorites. On Dec. 31, I do an end of year post. And, on Jan. 1, I’ll run the February Treasures in My Closet. January 2 is a Thursday, so it will be “What Are You Reading?” On Friday, Jan. 3, I’ll run the first post from one of you. I’ll run your lists on Fridays.
No one has to participate. If you want to send a list of your Favorites, send me a list with a short summary of each book. The book doesn’t have to be published in 2024, only read in 2024. And, I don’t need book covers. It’s easier for me to find those myself.
If you miss this post, I’ll remind you again on an upcoming Thursday post. But, I wanted to give some of you a heads-up. I know Jeff will be leaving for Florida. This will give all of you time to think about whether or not you want to put together a list to share.
Do you have favorite books of 2024? No hurry sending them. As I said, I’ll start running lists on January 3. And, if you want to play, have fun with your list!
I’ll give it a go!
Great! Thanks, Glen.
Hi, Lesa. Yesterday was a travel day for us, and since I couldn’t remember Jackie’s password for her American Airlines account, I couldn’t get on wifi for the entire flight to Phoenix, so didn’t get to check the usual blogs.
Anyway, we’re here now, we had way too much Chinese food with my sister and her family, and today we’re taking our nephew – who is graduating community college Friday – out to lunch.
We’ll be home late Friday night and I will try and start a preliminary “favorites” list next week. (I have the new Michael Connelly book on hand, so let’s see if that makes the cut.)
As for the timing, January 3 is the day we leave for Florida.
Weather here, by the way, is beautiful, mid-60s yesterday, around 70 today and tomorrow. Not sorry to miss an inch or two of rain at home today.
Stay safe out there.
An inch or two of snow here, Jeff! Better to be in Scottsdale!
Hi Lesa – I was actually thinking about this yesterday, so I have a draft list ready to go! I really didn’t think 2024 had been a good reading year for me, but when I looked back at my reading journal I quickly came up with at least 14 books (which I have edited down.)
How do I send it to you?
Hi Rosemary!
Oh, good. Thank you! And, honestly? I didn’t think it was a good year for books at all. I didn’t find anything I loved until halfway through the year.
Looking forward to your list. You can send it to me via email – Lesa.Holstine@gmail.com
Thank you!
Thanks for the post Lesa. I’ve been unhappy with my recent selection of books, but your post let me put the last few weeks in perspective. I’ll be sending you a list soon.
Great, MM! Thank you. I’ll look forward to your list.
And, frankly, I’ve had weeks of not reading lately. That’s me, though, not the books.
I’ll definitely be sending you mind once I have it put together.
Thanks, Mark! You can send the list to Lesa.Holstine@gmail.com. Thank you! Looking forward to seeing your list!