Welcome back to the weekly giveaway! This week’s theme is “Female of the Species”, books featuring female sleuths.

Most of you will recognize Jessica Fletcher and the Murder, She Wrote series. Manuscript for Murder by “Jessica Fletcher” and Jon Land finds Jessica Fletcher investigating the death of her longtime publisher, a woman who had been accused of financial malfeasance, and appears to have committed suicide. Jessica doesn’t believe either of those “truths”.
Victoria Thompson’s City of Secrets also features a woman who is the victim of fraud. Priscilla Knight was left a sizable fortune when her first husband died. Then, her pastor convinced her to remarry. Nine months later, her second husband is dead, and her banker tells her she has no money and her house is mortgaged. Elizabeth Miles, a con woman navigating life in society when she’s really on the run, is determined not to let Priscilla become someone’s victim.
Which mystery would you like to win? You can enter to win both, but I need separate entries. Email me at Lesa.Holstine@gmail.com. Your subject line should read either “Win Manuscript for Murder” or “Win City of Secrets.” Please include your name and mailing address. The giveaway will end Thursday, Jan. 10 at 5 PM CT. Entries from the U.S. only, please.
I found City of Secrets in Large pring at my library. Thanks for the suggestion.
I miss watching Murder She Wrote. I always wanted to live in that town, by the water, riding my bike everywhere and having those neighbors. Of course, the murder rate was really scary!
I have read not read this book by Victoria Thompson. It is one I have been meaning to find.
Thank you for having the giveaway.
Fingers crossed!
You're welcome, Gram. You'll have to let us know what you thought on a Thursday "What Are You Reading?" post after you have a chance to get into it.
You're right, Deb. Awfully high murder rate for a small town! Good luck!
Looking forward to the suspense of giveaways. I enjoy this part of the blog also. I have won a few of the giveaways. Lesa, thank you for all that you do to offer this most sees. Have a great weekend. Hugs for you and all the furry ones there with you..
The books sound intriguing, I have never read either of these authors or in the case of Jessica Fletcher neither the Donald Bain edition or the Jon Land.
I have put both of them on hold at my local library. Your contests are great and offer even more books to add to the pile.