Happy Anniversary to all of us!

Fourteen years ago today, I started Lesa’s Book Critiques. It wasn’t called that at the time. It was originally called “Nikki’s World”. After I had reviewed for a while, Maddee James suggested I needed a name for the blog that sounded more like a book blog.
I’ve told this story before. The Glendale Library System sent me to a three day workshop. I told the director afterwards that I didn’t get a lot out of it, but I did learn how to blog. Who knew that workshop would lead to one of the most important pieces of my life?
Here’s the very first blog post.
Nikki’s World is named for the new kitten we took in the Tuesday before Christmas when she was one of six kittens dumped behind our Main Library in a gift-wrapped box. She’s a little Desert Lynx/Tabby combination who weighed just over a pound when we brought her home. Since she was a library cat, as were Lammie and Dickens, our cats born behind our bookshelf, it seems appropriate to call this Nikki’s World for a site devoted to books.
And, here’s Nikki, fourteen years later.

Hopefully, my blog posts have improved a little since that first one in 2005. The very first book I reviewed here was 84, Charing Cross Road by Helene Hanff. It’s still a book and movie that I love.
So, Happy Anniversary to us. Thank you to all of you who have been reading with me and commenting here. And, I wish, for all of us, another year of good books.

Happy Blogaversary! The cat looks good.
I love 84, Charing Cross Road too. I made sure to go there in London, though it was a different bookshop by then.
Thank you, Jeff! Lots of opportunities to talk books in those years. Let's keep it going! I'm so glad you made the pilgrimage!
Wow, 14 years! Congratuations! And Nikki looks wonderful! I've discovered so many great books and authors through you. Here's to the next 14 years!
Wow, 14 years is a long time to blog, Lesa!
I did not know about Nikki and the origins of your blog. I think I started following you @2010.
Here's to hoping for another great year of reading and talking about books!
Happy anniversary!!!
Thank you, Ingrid! I hope we're all still talking about books (and cats) in fourteen years.
It wasn't the best name for a book blog, Grace. But, honestly, when I picked the name, I was at that workshop, and had no idea I'd really use the blog for anything.
Happy anniversary. Your blog is one of the few I read every day.
Sandy, Thank you for continuing to check it out daily!
Love your blog and your wonderful recommendations on what to read. Congratulations on 14 years. Love the kitties.
Happy blogaversary!
Congratulations Lesa! I've followed your blog for years but didn't realize it had been 14 years! Thanks for all the fun info about books – I still love 84 Charing Cross Road too!
🎉🎊🎈📚 Happy Anniversary! Lesa, you have been faithful for fourteen years to this outstanding blog. From one of your followers I thank you for all the years, time and effort you have put here for us to enjoy each day. Coming here is like coming home. You already know my feelings about all your cats, so I won't go there today. Just give them a hug.
Thank you for the book contest you offer and the extra time to prepare them for mailing and the trip to the post office. I have been thrilled when I have won books and they show up in my mailbox, thanks to you. I appreciate the extra effort you give for us.👍🏻👏🏻
May this book blog be blessed with many more years, exciting reviews and the sharing of our books and authors together.
May each day find you having time to read 📚
Happy Anniversary, dear Lesa! Because of you, I've become more open to reading books I otherwise would have passed by. But most importantly I've made a wonderful lifelong friend … YOU!
Big hugs to you and all your precious kitties.
Love you, my friend!
Thank you all for continuing to read the blog. And, thank you, Charlotte. I know you've been reading the blog, entering the contests, and sending support for a long time. And, thank you for the wonderful wishes for the future, including the reading time. I'm sitting here watching cats int eh sunshine this morning. It might be in the single digits outside, but the sun coming in the sliding doors is perfect for cat lounging.
Congratulations Lesa! And thank you for introducing me to so many wonderful authors and books.
Beth! Thank you so much. The three kitties are all with me right now. They're all absorbing as much sunshine as they can. Thank you for your kind note, and your friendship all these years. I love you!
Thank you, Karen! That comment about introducing you to authors & books is the nicest thing you could say to me! Thank you.
Congratulations on 14 years, Lesa! I don't comment often, but do read the blog daily. Discovered your blog in 2012. I echo the others' remarks about thanking you for your efforts to bring new authors and authors new to me to a wider audience. Sending best wishes from a fogged-in-coast in Solana Beach (San Diego), California!
~Tricia (comment name comes across as TFJ)
Happy Anniversary. 14 years is a very long time in blog years. Thanks for all the recommendations and What are you reading Thursdays. I too love both the book and movie versions of 84 Charing Cross Road.
Happy anniversary, Lesa! Can't believe that it's been 14 years. I think I started reading your blog maybe 10-12 years ago? In any case, I'm so grateful for it and for all the wonderful books, chats, and friends it has brought me. Also, glad I've gotten to meet you several times and hope we get to meet again – perhaps at a book conference. Or…you could come to Austin…don't you have a friend here (besides me?). Congrats and keep 'em coming!
Congrats on 14 years! Glad I have been around for so many to read about some awesome books!
Tricia & Sharon – Thank you so much for the kind wishes. We'll keep reading together!
Kay, I do have another friend in Austin, and Austin has so much to recommend it. I can't believe I've never been there. I'm glad we've had the chance to meet, including dinner with Louise Penny!
Holdenj, I think you've been here for almost that entire time. Thank you!
I have a 5-year "Living Well One Line a Day" journal (I'm starting the 4th year), and here's what I wrote on January 6, 2015: "It's Lesa Holstine's 10th anniversary of her blog, Lesa's Book Critiques. I'm so glad I got to meet her at Left Coast Crime. She feels like a friend."
Three years later, I'm happy to say you are still my friend, Lesa. Mike and I got to have dinner and visit the Poisoned Pen with you in Arizona at the 2016 Left Coast Crime, which was a real thrill, and this year you even asked me to submit a blog about my favorite reads of 2017!
I've been fortunate enough to win a few books from you, and I appreciate the personal card you always enclose. And, of course, I am so thankful for your continued support and virtual hugs.
Here's to many more years of your blog and our friendship!
I'm always a little doubtful about that dating of the anniversary, Margie, which is why I said I'm starting the 14th year. It's the 13th anniversary. Margie, you feel like a friend, too. What a beautiful note in your journal. Thank you.
Today, I finished Catriona McPherson's April release. Do you know what I remember about that LCC? Cat photobombing us before we went into dinner! And, then she won one of the Lefty Awards. Nothing like being photobombed by the winner. I'm so glad we share those memories. And, dinner was at my favorite pizza place in Scottsdale at that LCC.
Thank you! I hope we have many more years of books read and our friendship. (And, virtual hugs.)
Happy anniversary! Nikki is a gorgeous cat, and how lucky you found each other.
You're right, Lesa–that photobombing from Catriona at LCC was hilarious and unexpected, and I love the resulting photo. Catriona is always the funniest person on a panel, as I'm sure you know. She also came to our Norcal Sisters in Crime anniversary celebration this year and had some great stories to tell.
You say you just finished Catriona's April release, so I know it must be one of her Dandy Gilvers, right? Because you don't like creepy!
Happy Anniversary Lesa. Thank you so much for your blog. I read it everyday.
Congratulations on 14!!!! Here's to at least 14 more.
Margie, No! It's a new series set in California with a Scot who married an American and divorced equally abruptly. Great cast of eccentric characters.
Marla, Nikki and my late husband actually found each other, and it was love at first sight for the two of them.
Thank you, Marla, DJ & Gram!
I really enjoy your blog! Congratulations on 14 years.
Happy Anniversary! Regular reader here.
Congratulations! Good for you for keeping this up and providing such great recommendations for 14 years.
Thank you to all of you! I really appreciate the support, and all of the reading we do together!
Woohoo! I didn't realize it had been 14 years since the very first blog. I admire you for your persistence and all the work you've done. I wonder what Nikki thinks of all this?! Congrats on the long run. Sandie
Ah, Sandie. Nikki doesn't care. She's not the ham that Jinx is. Now, Jinx wouldn't have been happy if I'd taken it away from him.