I wish I knew who recommended Quentin Bates’ Frozen Assets. My guess is it was Aubrey Hamilton, Glen Davis or The Rap Sheet, https://therapsheet.blogspot.com/. If it was someone else here on my blog, please speak up. I just read this first police procedural set in Iceland in 2008, and I’ve already downloaded the second.
Sergeant Gunna Gunnhildur is in charge of the small police station in Hvalvik, a small fishing village in southwestern Iceland. It’s small enough that everyone calls her, even early in the morning. When a fisherman finds a body floating in the small boat dock, he calls Gunnhildur. While evidence points to an accidental drowning, Gunna isn’t so sure. How did a drunk man make it from the town where he was last seen to Hvalvik, ending up in the water?
Despite pressure from her boss, Gunna won’t let go of the investigation. It’s a case that will soon find her tangling with powerful people, including the wife of a Minister in Parliament. And, how can a blog called Skandalblogger know so much that’s going on in politics, the economy, and sex in Iceland? It seems the blogger and newspapers have a few hints to give Gunna in her search for a killer.
If you remember the banking crisis in Iceland in 2008 when Iceland’s banks collapsed, you’ll recognize the timeframe for Frozen Assets. It deals with government scandals and private investments just as the banks are on the verge of collapse. It’s also a fascinating police procedural that places a small-town police officer, a woman, right in the middle of all the turmoil. As Gunna is told at the conclusion of the story, “You resisted interference that came all the way from ministerial level, ran a small team extremely well and simply stuck with it all the way.”
Gunna Gunnhildur is a strong-willed, stubborn police officer, juggling life as a single mother and her work in a small Icelandic village. It’s a new police procedural series for me, combining Icelandic politics and history with police investigations. Thank you to the fellow reader who recommended Quentin Bates’ series.
Quentin Bates’ website is https://graskeggur.com/
Frozen Assets by Quentin Bates. Soho, 2011. ISBN 9781569478677 (hardcover), 330p.
FTC Full Disclosure – Library book
Sorry, Lesa, but I’m pretty sure it wasn’t me who recommended this to you.
Lesa, the first book I finished in 2024 was CHILLED TO THE BONE by Quentin Bates, and I commented on it at your blog the next Thursday. You did say you were going to look into the series. CHILLED TO THE BONE is the 3rd book in the series.
I am glad you liked this book and I hope you enjoy the rest of the series.
TracyK at Bitter Tea and Mystery
Thank you, Tracy! I appreciate it. I have the second book downloaded. I like Gunna as a character, and found the setting and timeframe interesting.
Thanks for recommending this. (Same to Tracy and whoever else recommended it.) I’ve read a few Icelandic books over the years, and even though they can be bleak, I’ve enjoyed most of them. Will definitely check this one out.
OK, my library has an ebook copy, so I put it on hold.
The new Caz Frear book just came in, so have that and the Spotswood book.
You’re welcome, Jeff. I’m glad Tracy read and recommended it.
My library sytsem has this one in print across town at another branch, and then the next one in eBook form. Just slapped a hold on that first one. Thank you, Lesa.
It’s the start of a new police procedural series for me, Kevin. I liked it.