It’s the first giveaway of 2017! And, I have two books to give away written by authors whose names begin with M.
Let’s start with the book that’s being given away by the publicist. You all know how much I love NYC, so I should probably enter this one. (smile)
The first book is called Jimmy and Fay by Michael Mayo. In the midst of Prohibition,
Jimmy Quinn joins forces with screen siren Fay Wray to take on a King Kong–size
case of extortion.
It’s March 2, 1933. King Kong is premiering at Radio City Music
Hall, and Fay Wray is about to become the most famous actress on earth. So
what’s she doing hanging around a rundown Manhattan speakeasy? This Hollywood
scream queen has come to see Jimmy Quinn, a limping tough guy who knows every
gangster in New York—and does his best to steer clear of them all.
Hall, and Fay Wray is about to become the most famous actress on earth. So
what’s she doing hanging around a rundown Manhattan speakeasy? This Hollywood
scream queen has come to see Jimmy Quinn, a limping tough guy who knows every
gangster in New York—and does his best to steer clear of them all.
A blackmailer has pictures of a Fay Wray lookalike engaged in
conduct that would make King Kong blush, and Fay’s movie studio—with the
cooperation of a slightly corrupt NYPD detective—wants the threat eliminated.
Jimmy tries to settle the matter quietly, but stopping the extortion will cut
just as deeply as Fay’s famous scream, ringing from Broadway all the way to
conduct that would make King Kong blush, and Fay’s movie studio—with the
cooperation of a slightly corrupt NYPD detective—wants the threat eliminated.
Jimmy tries to settle the matter quietly, but stopping the extortion will cut
just as deeply as Fay’s famous scream, ringing from Broadway all the way to
About Michael Mayo
Michael Mayo has written about film for the Washington Post and the Roanoke Times. He was the host of the nationally syndicated radio programs Movie Show on Radio and Max and Mike on the Movies. He is the author of American Murder: Criminals, Crime, and the Media. His first novel, Jimmy the Stick, was published in 2012. Mayo lives in North Carolina. Website:

Which mystery would you like to win? You can enter to win both, but I need separate entries. Email me at Your subject heading should read either “Win Jimmy and Fay” or “Win Miss Ruffles”. Please include your name and mailing address. Entries from the U.S. only, please. The giveaway will end Thursday, Jan. 12 at 6 PM CT.
Thank you.