It’s time! Time to say goodbye to 2018, and welcome 2019. I ended the year on a high note, spending time with family in Ohio for Christmas. I’ve been home in early December, but this is the first time in thirty years that I was home for Christmas.

I had a wonderful year, with trips to New York City, North Carolina, Scottsdale, Arizona, and St. Petersburg, Florida. There was a family wedding. And, I can’t thank the Bouchercon Board enough for honoring me with the David Thompson Special Service Award.

I made multiple trips with my best friend, Donna, to see Celtic Thunder, to go to bookstores, to see plays and movies. We always have a good time together. I’ve shared wonderful daily chats online with two friends. We talk books, movies, food, toys, trips, anything that comes to mind.

Of course, there were all the good books read during the year. I’m lucky I had the chance to discuss them with all of you.

So, goodbye 2018!

Welcome, 2019!

I already have trips planned for the new year – trips to Ft. Lauderdale, Florida, Nashville, Ohio, New York City, Hartford, Connecticut, Dallas. There’s another family wedding in 2019. So, I’m anticipating travel with friends and family in the new year.

And, books! I’ve started reading books with 2019 release dates. (Tomorrow, I’ll be sharing February releases with you.) Of course, the book giveaways will kick off again on Friday.

I have 2019 wishes for all of us. I wish you good health, love of family and friends, time to spend with loved ones, and, of course, good books.

Thank you for spending 2018 reading about books and authors, and sharing my trips. I hope we all have a good 2019, and the opportunity to share our love of books.

Happy New Year!