I had a better 2015 than so many people I know, and, the country in general. I spent time with family and friends, traveled more than once to New York City, met a dear friend for the very first time. I have a job I enjoy, cats I treasure. I love my family. And, I enjoy my books. And, I know how lucky I am.

But, 2015 hasn’t been kind to everyone. Our country is still torn apart, and there are so many angry people. There’s a reason I read the newspaper, read a journalist online who I respect, and don’t turn on the news on TV. I don’t care to see angry people yelling at me.

Friends lost people they loved this year – parents, spouses. And, other friends have either suffered from health issues, or their family members have. I think it’s because I’m growing older, and our parents and loved ones are aging as well.

So, no. 2015 hasn’t been an easy year for many of us. But, it’s not my role to complain about life. My role is to share joy – the joy of books, and, sometimes the joy of family or travel or theater. I see my role as to share the small moments of laughter with cats or moments of charm with Pygmy goats. Most of all, this blog has always been about books – the entertainment of books, their connection to our lives, just the joy of discovery of a good book.

My resolution for 2016 is to continue to share my passion and love for stories, for books, with all of you. Sometimes family or travel will pop up in the conversation. That’s part of the story of my life.

My wish for you for 2016? Contentment, love and friendship, a healthier year. And, quiet moments to appreciate good books and conversation about books.

Happy New Year!