It’s New Year’s Eve, a day I use for reflection rather than New Year’s Day itself. It’s time to look back at another year. It was another difficult year for many people, as we all tried to stay safe, but still tried to reach out to family and friends. It isn’t easy to do both.
Saying that, I’m so grateful for all of you here who have become friends over the last few years. “Thursdays at Lesa’s”, as Kaye Barley calls it, has become so important to me. We’ve all been able to gripe a little about the pandemic and weather, to get our complaints out of our system, just a little. But, we move on and talk about aspects of our lives that provide us a little peace – the books we read, the walks in nature, friends and family. Just think, books brought us all here. If you come here regularly on Thursdays, if you comment or just catch up with the rest of us by reading the blog, that means reading and books have made a change in your routine, in your life.
I can’t thank you enough for finding time to stop in on Thursdays to read or share the books you’ve enjoyed or disliked. Yesterday, there were over 230 views of the “What Are You Reading?” post. Thanks to all of you, we’ve created a community who cares. If nothing else, we care to see what other people are reading. I do think it runs deeper, and I see that in emails from readers who never post on Thursdays.
I’ve been fortunate in 2021, in health and in my family. I know that, but my mood hasn’t always been the best because I lost some of the things that are important to me – live theater and travel. But, I still have books and the joy of reading. I love to talk books with all of you. That’s part of the pleasure that comes from reading.
I hope 2022 is better for all of us. I hope it brings us good health and time to spend with family and friends. I hope we can see a little “normal” back in our lives. I really hope, though, that we all continue to find good books to discuss here. I hope 2022 brings us the opportunity to escape into books.
I wish everyone good health and good reading in 2022. I hope we all find some happiness, and most of all, some joy in the new year. And, I thank you for being part of my life. Thank you for sharing Lesa’s Book Critiques with me.
Happy New Year in 2022!
Happy New Year Everyone!
Happy New Year, Glen!
Happy New Year, Lesa and all.
I have no doubt we’ll have plenty of good books to read next year.
The main thing is, stay safe and stay healthy.
I agree, Jeff. Stay safe & healthy – those are the best words for 2022.
Happy 2022. I hope this coming year is better for you and everyone.
Happy New Year
Happy New Year, Sandy!
Happy New Year to you, sister of my heart. Thank you for providing such a lovely place for us to hang our hats, share a cup of coffee, and talk about books. I think many of us look forward to our Thursdays at Lesa’s. Love you! ❤
Kaye, There’s a reason Thursday has become my favorite day of the week. Thank you for sharing those days! Hugs, my friend.
Love this! Happy new year!
Happy New Year Everyone! I look forward to all your e-mails and comments, Thursday are a special day!
Happy New Year, Carolee! Stay safe and healthy in the new year!
Thank you for being a precious and trusted friend, Lesa. I hope we get to see each other in Albuquerque at Left Coast Crime, but I’m not optimistic it will happen. I’ve been trying to come up with some theme words for me in 2022, and all I can think of is transcend (rise above what’s happening in the world and keep a positive outlook) and beautify (what’s around me). I think I’ll go with those unless I can think of something better. Happy New Year to everyone!
I’m not optimistic about Left Coast Crime either, Margie, although some of the other board members assure me it will happen. We’ll see. Transcend certainly works. Joy is always my theme word. Hugs, and Happy New Year!
Happy New Year one and all.
Now if somebody would walk “unprecedented” deep into the woods and put a bullet in the damn thing, I think we would all be better off.
My thought and prayers go out to those affected by the wildfires in Colorado yesterday. I know that Patricia posts from the Northern Front Range. 2021 is still being difficult in its final days.
I want to wish everyone a better and brighter year ahead. And to thank Lesa and the other contributers for the pleasure they’ve brought throughout this year.
Happy New Year, 2022! I’m wishing for a better year, and I’m thankful for books.
Happy New Year to everyone. I have enjoyed this blog so much; during the past two years, it has been a special blessing. Thank you, Lesa. This blog and this community are really awesome and have helped me keep plugging along.
I’m what I’ve come to think of as “West Coast Late”; posting from Portland in my morning, but the rest have all left for the day. That doesn’t prevent me from wishing you, Lesa, and everyone who visits this wonderful blog, the very best, kind, happy and healthy 2022.
While I’m a relatively newcomer here, I’ve been made to feel welcome, despite not, perhaps, being the typical Lesa’s reader, and I really look forward to Thursday here. Thank you.
Oh! I forgot to mention the books! I read – and enjoyed – several in 2021 that I’d not have even heard of if I’d not read this blog.
Sauerkraut, eh? My father called it “spoiled cabbage” and we never had it at home. I was shocked when I first saw a Reuben Sandwich on a menu. Whaaat? Barbara loves it, though.
Happy New Year to all. Don’t worry about being “late” Rick. I usually post in the afternoons. I so appreciate this community of ours and the opportunity to share the ups and downs of our reading and so much more. I’m still giggling over Cyd Redondo in London, and I did wake my hubby last night. He didn’t mind, since I was laughing! Cyd was admonishing her Uncle Leon to put away the bag of white powder he says he found in the colon of a pet he was preparing for taxidermy … in the middle of the lobby of the Savoy Hotel! But putting that aside, I so appreciate your running my reviews, Lesa, and giving me this creative outlet. I don’t rank anywhere near in quantity that so many of y’all do here, but that’s OK. I still feel welcome with my eclectic tastes. Best of everything, especially good health this coming year.
Happy New Year, Lesa! Your book recommendations have kept me going through 2021, and I have a good stash with which to begin 2022. Thank you!
Happy New Year, everyone! Thank you for all your messages today. And, Rick? I read them in the evening, and sometimes the next day, too, so your comments are always welcome. And, I’m not really sure who my typical reader is, other than I know many of you use the library. I think my typical reader is a book lover, and that’s what counts.
Thank you all for reading with me! Hugs, and good wishes to everyone for 2022!
Wishing all a wonderful New Year. I have enjoyed talking about books here this last year and look forward to more of the same for the next year.
Great! I’d hate to lose people in 2022. Thank you, Tracy. And Happy New Year!