As I did last year, I’m going to give thanks in reverse. I usually end my Thanksgiving post by thanking you, my blog readers and friends. Instead, I’d like to wish you all a Happy Thanksgiving, and say I’m grateful for you. I’m thankful you spend a little bit of time every day or every week with other people who like to read and talk about books. Thank you for dropping by, even if you don’t comment. I hope you’ve found a spot to discover a new book or author, or even another reader who likes similar books. Thank you for stopping here.

I’m thankful this year, as always, for my family and friends. I’m spending this day with my “local family”, my best friend, Donna, her husband, Terry, and her mother, Mickie. Terry’s cooking dinner while the three of us are heading to the movies to see “Knives Out”. We’ll stay out of his kitchen, and then we’ll all enjoy conversation and laughter when we’re together. If I don’t go to my sister’s, I spend Thanksgiving with Donna and Terry. I’m grateful for friends that I love. And, I’m grateful for the love of my family in Ohio, who understand when I don’t drive home for the weekend. But, they know how much I love them.

I’m grateful for a comfortable life with my cats, my books, friends, and the ability to travel. And, recognizing this is the perfect life for me makes for a very Happy Thanksgiving.

Stop back tomorrow, and we’ll talk about books and what we’re reading. I hope you have a few minutes to yourself this weekend for quiet time, to think, to read, to just relax.

Happy Thanksgiving!