I’m going to send you all my Thanksgiving wishes today, and take tomorrow off. I’m grateful for all of you who read with me, share your books and your reading, and love books. Thank you for sticking with me when I’ve been busy, attending conferences, going on trips. I appreciate all of you, and hope we’ll be together for a number of years.
I’m thankful for my entire family. My mom and sisters, Linda and Christie, and I had the chance to celebrate Mom’s birthday together in June. We talked and laughed so much. There’s nothing more wonderful than spending time with them, and laughing as much as we did. Congratulations to a niece and nephew for their engagements this year. And, thank you to Linda and her husband, Kevin, for that lifetime dream trip to Ireland. And, I’m grateful to Linda. Our recent trip to New York City was a post-election therapy trip as much as anything. We may not be happy about the results, but we can share our passion and willingness to stand up for what’s right. Thank you, Linda.
Authors and the crime fiction community! This blog and my Poisoned Pen blog, and so much of what I do would not exist without you. Thank you for sharing your words, your books, and your time.
I love to travel, and I’m thankful that I had the opportunity to attend conferences and travel this year. And, I had the chance to see plays that I loved, and concerts.
And, I want to thank friends. I have wonderful friends, and we share books and laugh together. I’m grateful that Kaye and David are in my life. I’m glad I can see Chantelle now in New York as well as in Arizona. Thanks to Sandie for helping with “Have You Heard?” And, Donna gets an entire entry. We share books and hugs, a love of theater and Celtic Thunder and Byrne and Kelly, and try to help each other when we can. Donna and her husband, Terry, invite me over for holidays and meals. And, I know I’ll never go hungry when Terry’s cooking (smile).
Family, friends, ones I’ve met and ones I’ve only corresponded with, travel. And, of course, my books and cats. I hope you have as much to be thankful for this year.
Same to you, Lesa. Happy Thanksgiving (and Happy Birthday to me) tomorrow!
Happy Thanksgiving, and Happy Birthday, Jeff!
Happy Thanksgiving, Lesa!
Happy Thanksgiving, Lesa!
Happy Thanksgiving, Carol & Bill!
I'm so happy and honored to be in your life, Lesa. And I, my friend, am the lucky one. Love you! Happy Thanksgiving, sister of my heart.
I love you, Kaye. As you said, "To Paris and back!" Happy Thanksgiving to you and Donald.
Hi Lesa – we don't really do Thanksgiving here of course (though there are lots of Americans in Edinburgh, so I expect they do). I'm ashamed to admit I hadn't really thought about the 'thankful' bit before – what a good idea to think about our blessings. Many of mine are similar to yours – family, friends, animals, books, good health, opportunities to travel, good food – and in this weather also the good fortune to be able to heat my home (I heard a radio programme about people who can't – they simply never put the heating on as it's so expensive, so they spend the winter freezing under layers of clothing).
I have a particular blessing just now – my son (and oldest child) has just become engaged to his lovely girlfriend. It is great to have such happy news amidst all the political woe.
And your blog is a blessing too Lesa – it is like a little home for book people and I always know I will enjoy visiting it.
Now I've got to get back to writing a review of a book event I went to – a very interesting man called Rupert Wolfe Murray, who is an inveterate independent traveller. He's just written '9 Months in Tibet' and he's pedalling round Scotland on his bike to promote it. His personal rules for travelling are 'observe, absorb, adapt and work'. He follows Buddhist philosophy and lives in the moment; if he becomes too attached to a possession he simply gives it away, as he believes we make ourselves miserable by holding on to things. I like to think I could do that with most things – but not my books!
Have a happy Thanksgiving,
Rosemary x
Happy Thanksgiving, my friend!
Happy Thanksgiving, Lesa! I'm grateful for your book recommendations – they bring so much joy into my life!
Less, I am veery thankful for you and yours life that you share with us each day. Your blog is outstanding.
Happy Thanksgiving! I pray it wil be the best one ever.
Rosemary, I'm so grateful that you share your life and customs with us. Thank you! And, congratulations on the engagement in your family. You're right. It's nice to have good news to celebrate.
Beth and Ingrid and Charlotte, Thank you for your good wishes and comments on my blog. Wrapping hugs and thanks around all of you, along with wishes for a happy Thanksgiving.
Lesa, I am thankful for you my dear friend, we share a lot of wonderful things-books, theatre, music and laughter. Oh, and Terry's wonderful cooking, we love having you over, especially me, so I have someone help me eat it all. ( giggle) Look forward to sharing Thanksgiving with you.
Donna, When I told people I was going to your house for Thanksgiving, every one of them said, the food will be good! Of course, Terry's wonderful cooking. And, there's no chance we'll eat it all tomorrow, even with 4 of us. I told someone he's cooking for 4, but he thinks he's cooking for 50. That's said with a lot of love.
Happy Thanksgiving, Lesa. Thank you for all the wonderful author and book recommendations.
Happy Thanksgiving!
Happy Thanksgiving, Lesa, and to all who celebrate!
Happy and safe Thanksgiving to all.
Happy Thanksgiving, Lesa.
Happy Thanksgiving!
Happy Thanksgiving, Lesa!
I hope all o you had a happy Thanksgiving. Thank you for your wishes. Mine was so nice.