It’s hard to believe I’ve known Sandie Herron for about eighteen years now. We’ve never met, but she’s been a great supporter of Lesa’s Book Critiques. Actually, she’s been a great support because I “met” Sandie years before I started the blog. When Sandie and I first “met”, she was the owner of A Novel Idea bookstore in Sarasota, Florida, and I was the Authors Programming Chair for the Lee County Reading Festival. Sandie was kind enough to help me, suggesting authors, and, once she had their permission, giving me contact information so I could book Florida authors for the first Reading Festival. Sandie Herron’s name opened a number of doors.

Sandie Herron

For a while, Sandie wrote a feature here called Sandie’s Corner. She reviewed books, ones I didn’t have time to get to, or ones that were more to her reading tastes than mine. It gave people another viewpoint.

Once again, Sandie is going to write a feature for the blog, covering areas I don’t cover. She’s still well-connected, and sometimes her piece will be about something in the crime fiction area, such as the piece that follows this introduction.

But, her main focus will be in an area that I don’t review. Sandie now listens to many of the mysteries on audio. I’m not a big fan of audiobooks for myself because I find I can read the book so much faster than I listen to it. And, my commute to work is so short that I’d probably end up listening to a book for a month. So, Sandie’s reviews will fill a niche for some readers who like to listen to audiobooks.

Sandie’s posts will help me when I’m traveling, since I have a few trips coming up. And, she’ll also surprise us once in a while with news from the crime writing community. We’re going to call her posts, “Have You Heard?”

I’d like to introduce Sandie Herron, thank her, and introduce her first post.

Have you heard…?