Because I gave away Donna Andrews’ latest Meg Langslow mystery this week, I thought it was the perfect time to run one of Sandie Herron’s reviews of a book in the series. If you read the blog regularly, you know Sandie reviews audiobooks here, which I really appreciate. I don’t listen to them, but according to a recent Pew Report, they’re growing more popular all the time. Thank you, Sandie, for reviewing Swan for the Money. 

Swan for the Money

Meg Langslow Mystery Book 11                              
Written by Donna Andrews
Narrated by Bernadette Dunne
Unabridged Audiobook
Dreamscape Media, LLC (February 8, 2018)
Listening Length:  7 hours and 56 minutes
Meg Langslow’s father is in trouble again.  He just spread manure in the rose garden where Meg’s parents have begun growing prize-winning blooms.  The Caerphilly Garden Club is hosting a rose show at Mrs. Philomena Winkleson’s mansion and farm and is holding a cocktail party the night before at the Langslow’s home.  Mother says the odor is overwhelming and insists they move the party elsewhere so eccentric Mrs. Winkleson is called upon again. She agrees but only if the guests wear black, white, or grey, her color themes.

Meg Langslow is the organizer of the rose show.  She’s been immersed in rose lore and horticulture with her parents for months.  It seemed natural to call upon her organizational skills for the first rose show in town.  In her organizer role, Meg is given more freedom than usual to walk about Mrs. Winkleson’s estate.  After getting lost, Meg stumbles across Mrs. Winkleson’s rose garden which, until now, had never been seen by outsiders.  The garden sporting black roses is surrounded by 12-foot chain-link fences with razor wires! She sees a prone figure in a black cape which she fears is Mrs. Winkleson.  Thankfully Meg’s doctor father is on site and rushes to her aid. Poison is the reason the woman died.   
Meg is given a tour of the grounds along with her grandfather, Dr. Blake, famous zoologist, where they learn just how far Mrs. Winkleson takes her passion for black and white.  There is a breed of cows with white bands around the midsections of their otherwise black coats. Territorial black swans are holding Meg’s car hostage. Goats so sensitive that they faint at the slightest stimuli had everyone giggling.  Viewing all the animals is a concern for Dr. Blake since the local vet wants to be sure that the animals are not being mistreated. Plus the deputies continue to search for Mrs. Winkleson’s kidnapped black-and-white dog.  
In any case, the party does go on.  Amid champagne and crab hors d’oeuvres being served, another poisoning occurs.  Again Dr. Langslow is on the scene to assist. Chief Burke, also at the party, finally has the opportunity to follow a crime from the beginning.  However, there are hundreds of guests and staff to interview before clean up for the night can begin. This gives Meg extra time to think about possibly being pregnant.  The rose show must still go on the next day as well.
Donna Andrews has a way with making each comical event believable.  It takes talent to pull all the events together and keep the plot hilariously plausible. There’s never a dull moment in a Donna Andrews novel.  Something is always going awry. Yet Meg Langslow and family save the day.