I’m back. But, it’s 8:00 Monday night. I still have a load of wash in the dryer, and I drove 5 hours today, plus the eight hours my sister drove from New York to her place yesterday. That means I’m tired, and I’ll write about my trip for Wednesday’s blog. We had a grand trip even though Delta Airlines tried to mess it up again.
So, I’m safely home, and I’ll catch you up on Wednesday. Thursday we’ll talk about “What Are You Reading?”, and Friday, I’ll really run a contest. In the meantime, it’s going to be an early night for me.
I read a disjointed book based partly on the letters found by the author. Send For Me by Lauren Fox. The book could have been great. The print was big enough for me to read! But it was not organized, often hard to figure out who was who, Her great grandmother and great grandfather fled Germany as Jews. I thought about the book and tried to figure out what she wanted to convey and wished that the author had a co-auther to bring it together,
Then, I hit a low, I have Major Depression Syndrome and sometimes the sadness and pnic tend to break through. Then I remembered that I had another Jenny Lawson book. I actually had a image in my mind of a fire extringuisher housed in a box with the sign. “Break in case of Emergency. I am reading Furiously Happy and enjoying her humor and feeling relieved that there is another person with the same mental challenges who can make life so very funny, I wil be looking for more funny books on depression and ADHD they are like delicious medicine to me. Open to more suggestions if anyone else has found those gems.
Carolee, I’ll have to think about this. I know there are several other books similar to Lawson’s. I’ll just have to look for them. I’m glad you found her!
Just glad you are safely home.
Kevin, Thank you for everything you did while I was gone!