This week, I’m giving away two mysteries with humor. David Handler’s humor is witty while Donna Andrews is broader. Keep that in mind when you enter the contests.

Writer Stewart Hoag is back in David Handler’s latest Hoagy and Lulu mystery, The Man Who Couldn’t Miss. His ten-year stretch of writer’s block is gone, and he’s writing up a storm while staying at his ex-wife’s place. But, Merilee Nash is also in the midst of a storm. She and some of her former classmates in Yale’s Drama Department are doing a one-night show to raise money for a historic Connecticut theater. When one of the cast is murdered during the play, it’s up to Hoagy, accompanied by his beloved Basset hound, Lulu, to find a killer.

Toucan Keep a Secret is the twenty-third adventure featuring Meg Langslow. Meg’s at Trinity Episcopal locking up after an event and checking on the toucan Meg’s friend Rev. Robyn Smith is fostering. After she hears hammering in the columbarium, the small building where cremated ashes are held, Meg finds an elderly parishioner lying dead on the floor. There are niches chiseled open, ashes spilled, and a gold ring amidst the ashes. When Meg learns the toucan may help to unmask the killer, she decides to set a trap for a would-be thief who might be a killer.
Which mystery would you like to win? You can enter to win both, but I need separate entries. Email me at Your subject line should read either “Win The Man Who Couldn’t Miss” or “Win Toucan Keep a Secret.” Please include your name and mailing address. The giveaway will end Thursday, Sept. 13 at 5 PM CT. Entries from the U.S. only, please.