Once in a while, I come across a children’s picture book that I love and want to share. I’m going to read Galia Bernstein’s I Am a Cat to a group of third graders next month. I know it’s a picture book, but its subtle message of diversity and similarity is too good not to read to my kids.
Simon is a cat. When he meets a group of cats, he introduces himself, and tells them he’s a cat, “Just like you!” Here’s their first reaction.

And, their second reaction.

The lion, cheetah, puma, panther, and tiger tell Simon he’s nothing at all like them. But, Simon points out that none of them resemble each other, so how can they all be cats? When the lion points out the features they have in common, all the large cats realize Simon has small, perky ears, and a flat noise, and long whiskers, and a long tail, and sharp teeth and claws, “and big eyes that can see in the dark”.
Despite the difference in size and coloration and abilities, Simon is just like the big cats.
Need I say more?
Galia Bernstein’s I Am a Cat marks her debut as an author and illustrator. I love the facial expressions on her cats. I can’t wait to share this book with my kids.
Galia Bernstein’s website is www.dancingkangaroo.com
I Am a Cat by Galia Bernstein. Abrams Books for Young Readers, 2017. ISBN 9781418726439 (hardcover).
FTC Full Disclosure – Library book
I like it! We have a PreK "Cat" class at my preschool….this book would be perfect for them!
Jane, You're right. It would be perfect for them.
A lovely and kind way to teach.
I love it.
It's a gorgeous book, Gram & Carol.