The library where I work is closed right now, at least through March 29. And, it seems that family and friends were concerned, but they do think I probably have enough books to last for that duration. It all started with a text from my sister, Linda, who said her son, Daniel, thought I probably had enough books for at least four months. I laughed, and told her at a rate of 22-25 books a month, I have enough for at least four years. Actually, I have more than enough for even that length of time.

And, then I started getting comments from blog readers and from authors in email, saying I’m sure you have enough books. So, now, I’m going to embarrass my mother. Oh, yes. I have enough. And, these pictures don’t even show more in the house, or the three book ranges in the garage.

I want to reassure you. I’m okay.

These are the most recent arrivals. Obviously, I don’t eat at my dining room table.

2nd batch of recent arrivals. I also don’t use this kitchen counter.”
Books for eventual giveaway on my blog, but I could read them if I needed to.

In the middle bedroom

More from the Middle Bedroom

The back bedroom
Living room

I have stacks I forgot to photograph. I have another filled bookcase of autographed books in the middle bedroom, and a closet with cartons of books I moved from Arizona. Then, there is an entire box of review books from Library Journal, which I won’t photograph. There’s no picture of the four books I’m currently reading.

I promise all of you, book-wise, I’ll be okay for quite a while.