I know Simon R. Green’s Jekyll & Hyde Inc. is not what I normally read. There’s something about Green’s dark humor that sucks me into many of his books. And, as violent and gory as this book is, it’s really about a good man striving to stay good in the worst circumstances.
In the twenty-first century, no one believes in monsters. But, the monsters are there, underground, hidden, controlling much of the evil in the world.
Daniel Carter became a cop in London to help people. He wanted to protect them from those who prey on the vulnerable. He wanted to fight the monsters. But, he and three other police officers were set up by one of their superiors. They were sent on a secret raid, but they arrived at a Frankenstein Clan operation to find homeless being cut up for body parts. And, by the time the four police officers were finished, they are either dead, or so physically damaged they wish they are dead.
Daniel is one of those who wishes he was dead until a friend sends him to Edward Hyde. Hyde has an Elixir, the potion Dr. Jekyll used, and it would heal Daniel, but change him and make him into a powerful man capable of taking on the monsters. And, Daniel is out for revenge on those who destroyed his life.
Edward Hyde has plans. He teams Daniel up with another person who drank the Elixir, a former addict named Tina. Edward sends his creations to destroy the Frankenstein Clan, the Vampire Clan, and the Mummies Clan. But, Daniel isn’t what Edward Hyde wanted. Each time Daniel and Tina eliminate a Clan, Daniel enjoys the violence, but he also has regrets. Daniel is still morally outraged at what he sees with each group, but he still wants to help the vulnerable. And Edward Hyde appears to be one of the worst monsters that Daniel encounters.
As I said, Jekyll & Hyde Inc. is outrageous. It’s bloody and violent, but there is redemption. I read Simon R. Green because his characters, his heroes and antiheroes, do have a spark of goodness in them. Sometimes, they don’t even want to admit it’s there. But, that’s what I’m always looking for when I read one of Green’s books. I’m looking for that goodness that makes them better than the villains in the books. Readers will find that in Daniel Carter.
Simon R. Green’s website is http://www.simonrgreen.co.uk
Jekyll & Hyde Inc. by Simon R. Green. Baen, 2021. ISBN 9781982125288 (hardcover), 229p.
FTC Full Disclosure – Library book
I liked his Forest Kingdom and the Hawk and Fisher books which spun off from that series but I’ve never been able to get into his newer books
Gory and violent. I get it, Sandy.