Although Austin Kleon is a writer who draws, according to Wikipedia, he started his career at a library in Cleveland, Ohio. Just a point of interest because I’m always picking up on authors with Ohio connections. His latest book is Keep Going: 10 Ways to Stay Creative in Good Times and Bad. It may sound as if it’s written for artists and writers, but actually, it contains good advice for any of us.

Kleon’s ten tips are philosophical pointers for creative people, but aren’t we all creative in living our lives? Take chapter 8 – “When in doubt, tidy up.” Kleon is not advocating for Marie Kondo’s The Life-Changing Magic of Tidying Up. In fact, he does the opposite. He sees tidying as a way of discovering ideas, writings, pieces that may have been lost. I call it puttering myself. I sometimes use it as a tool for letting my mind drift, and that’s exactly what Kleon suggests. In the same chapter, he suggests that “Sleep tidies up the brain”, and encourages naps for quick, needed breaks. As Kleon makes his points, he quotes a number of writers, artists and philosophers, everyone from Ralph Waldo Emerson to Toni Morrison.

Some of the chapter titles won’t make sense unless you explore the book, headings such as “Every day is Groundhog Day”, or “Forget the Noun, Do the Verb.” That second is aimed at people who like to proclaim themselves writers or artists or “creatives”. However, if they don’t write or create art, but just call themselves by the noun, they need to work and practice their craft. I like the chapter heading “Build a Bliss Station.” If you don’t have a space where you can practice your art, find your time. Is it morning when everyone else is asleep? Or, are you most creative at night?

Then, there’s that chapter “Demons Hate Fresh Air.” Kleon suggests taking a walk to inspire or set the mood for starting work that day. His chapter “Plant Your Garden” can be taken literally or figuratively, but the artist should be creating for the long haul, not for the moment.

There is so much good advice, along with Kleon’s humorous cartoons in this book. The book is a tool for artists, but actually it’s a practical tool for life. If you’re a fan of books about the philosophy of living, you might want to pick it up. If you’re a creative person who writes or paints or draws or composes, Keep Going is a work of encouragement. And, for all of us who feel drained with politics, social media, or the world in general, there are all kinds of tips for shutting off the mental noise. It’s a helpful book for all of us.

Austin Kleon’s website is

Keep Going: 10 Ways to Stay Creative in Good Times and Bad by Austin Kleon. Workman, 2019. ISBN 9781523506644 (paperback), 224p.

FTC Full Disclosure – Library Book