Once in a while, I highlight a blog you might not have seen. Today, it’s Kevin Tipple’s blog, Kevin’s Corner, at https://kevintipplescorner.blogspot.com.

Kevin not only reviews books, usually mysteries, but he has an eclectic blog. He posts links to other blogs and sites that are timely (including this blog). He keeps readers up-to-date with news throughout the mystery field. Sometimes, other people, such as Aubrey Nye Hamilton, review on Kevin’s site. He’ll link to The Rap Sheet, Jungle Red Writers, KRL (Kings River Life). Are you familiar with Friday’s Forgotten Books? Kevin often links to that site where you’ll find gems that you might never have read.

Many of us in the mystery field owe Kevin Tipple a debt of gratitude. He spends a great deal of time aggregating a number of different sites, exposing readers to blogs and sites they might have missed.

Today’s post is my way of thanking a friend for all the links and exposure he provides for Lesa’s Book  Critiques. You might want to check out Kevin’s Corner.