James Lee Burke’s latest novel, Clete, was just released. Kevin Tipple jumped on the chance to read and review it, so I want to share his review. But, before I do that, I want to mention something Kevin seldom talks about. He’s recently had three short stories published in anthologies. He always seems so surprised that they were accepted for publication, but with three of them out now, I don’t think he should be surprised.

Here’s the list of his recent stories.

“The Hospital Boomerang” appears in the anthology, Larceny & Last Chances: 22 Stories of Mystery & Suspense (Superior Shores Press, June 18, 2024)

“Whatever Happened To…?” appears in the anthology, Notorious in North Texas: Metroplex Mysteries Volume III (Sisters in Crime North Dallas)

“Visions of Reality” appears in the anthology, Crimeucopia-Say It Again (Murderous Ink Press)

Thank you, Kevin, for sharing your time and reviews with us.

Clete: A Dave Robicheaux Novel by James Lee Burke takes readers back to the late
90s and events that Clete Purcell and Dave Robicheaux experienced. Told primarily
from the point of view of Clete, the read features all the classic elements of a Dave
Robicheaux novel. Southern Louisiana setting and vivid descriptions, references to faith
and societal decay, and apparitions that are symbolic of history and the great wrongs
that have happened before and will happen again.

Both Clete and Dave served in Vietnam, had horrible experiences, and came back
home. Coping with their military service has been a struggle for both of them. While
Dave is still a cop, Clete no longer is thanks to some of the things he did. He is now a
private investigator and is struggle to hang on in every way possible. He drives a 1959
El Dorado and loves that car.

He entrusts it to Eddy Durbin, owner and operator of the car wash, Eddy’s Car Wash,
over in Algiers. Eddy did all his time in Angola and has made a name for himself in the
years since. Clete was late in picking up the car as he was in New Orleans for a
bondsman chasing down a dancer. He got back, got the car, and takes it back home to
where he lives in the Garden District.

Couple of days later one morning, he hears noises, and discovers three guys pulling the
leather off the seats and pulling damn near everything else out of the car. The three
guys are sure there was something of theirs in the car. If not there, maybe it made its
way into the house. When confronted about what they are doing to his car in his
driveway, they get the idea in their heads that they want to come inside and check.
Clete wasn’t going to have that.

Clete was holding his own until one of the three hit him in the head with a crowbar.
Down and out, the guys got away, and New Orleans police were of no help. That means
Clete is going to have to hunt these guys on his own,.

Obviously, the first stop is the carwash. Eddy Durbin sees him coming and jumps into an
available car. He takes off with Clete chasing him. He finally stops and explains that
there was another El Dorado and that his little brother is involved. The stuff, whatever it
was, was supposed to go into that car and got put in Clete’s car by mistake. He has no
idea where his brother, is but thinks the Dixie Mafia is involved. He also thinks that the
stuff was probably fentanyl.

The same horrible drug that recently killed Clete’s grandniece. That makes it double
personally for Clete. One way or another, Clete is going to see everyone involved dead
or locked up in cage for forever. He would be fine with killing them all.

What follows is a highly atmospheric story as Clete explains what happened in the case
long ago as well as shares observations on faith, morality, politics, environmental
issues, and the slow destruction of Eden (Louisiana). Many of the observations fit the
time period of decades ago as well as are accurately reflect the times we are in today.
There have always been those among us that seek to profit off of others and just don’t
care how they do it.

As often happens in Dave Robicheaux series, knowing that a person is evil and doing
crimes, is one thing. Proving it for a court of law takes a lot of work with numerous

Such as the case here in Clete: A Dave Robicheaux Novel by James Lee Burke. A
book where the evil one sees is just the tip of a rotten iceberg that could destroy

My reading copy came from the publisher, Atlantic Monthly Press, by way of NetGalley.

Kevin R. Tipple ©2024