It’s always nice to read that people are looking for some of the books suggested by Kevin R. Tipple. Today, he has a review of the eighth Al Quinn novel, Kiss and Kill in Texas by Russ Hall. Thank you, Kevin.

For many years now I have been a big fan of Texas author Russ Hall. In a variety of
series, he writes complicated novels full of mystery and action. In recent years, he has
focused on the Al Quinn series that began in 2014 with To Hell and Gone in Texas.
While I firmly believe in reading a series in order, you could start here with the latest
read, Kiss and Kill in Texas, and do pretty well. Either way, these are some might
good reads.

The eighth book in the Al Quinn series, Kiss and Kill in Texas by Russ Hall starts off
with a bang.


Al Quinn had been on his bass boat moments earlier along with his wife, Fergie. They
had shot across Lake Travis to the boat ramp at Muleshoe after Bobby Ray Champion
called and said he needed to see Al immediately. They were just in time to see Bobby
shot dead due to a sniper’s bullet.

Al knew the man was dead before he hit the ground, but gave chase hoping to see the
shooter. All he was able to do was get up on some higher ground nearby in time to hear
a pickup truck start somewhere close and pull away. So, neither he nor Fergie have
much to tell Sheriff’s Department Detective, Victor Kahlon, when he arrives at the
murder scene.

That might have been the end of it. Bobby Ray was what some would call a troubled
soul and had not told Al much on the phone other that it was life or death and to come
quick. He’d recently been to Al’s place looking to bunk on the couch once again, but
these days Al has a full house. Not only is Fergie there, but his brother Maury, his wife,
Bonny, and their baby is, as is Patty Belle, who they recently rescued from several very
bad people. Not to mention the awesome dog, Tanner. There was simply no room at the
inn this time and Al had to send Bobby on his way.

The result is the Sheriff’s Department doesn’t have much to go on. Fergie and Al do a
little poking around and find out that Bobby Ray was trying to make a musical
comeback. Their poking around soon draws interest in a very negative way. Al and
Fergie aren’t the only targets either.

That negative attention escalates rapidly putting everyone in danger. The only choice is
to leave the house at Lake Travis and hit the road. Al and Fergie figure the one place
the bad folks won’t be looking for them is in the belly of the beast, Port Dexter.
Apparently Bobby’s Ray’s latest round of trouble is tied into there. Who, what, and why
are just three of the big unknowns.

What follows is another intense and complicated mystery/adventure read in this long
running series. This is the eighth book in the series, so the characters are pretty much
fleshed out as is the family dynamic. The focus here is on the fishing industry, the Texas
gulf coast, and those that would exploit others for fun and profit. Kiss and Kill in Texas:
An Al Quinn Novel is another high octane read like the other books in the series.

This read, as well as the others in the series, are highly recommended.

Using funds in my Amazon Associate account, I purchased this in eBook format back in
September 2022.

Kevin R. Tipple ©2023