Kevin Tipple just seems to have a special sense as to when I could use an extra book review. I appreciate that! His latest review is of Elly Griffiths’ The Last Remains, the latest Ruth Galloway mystery. Thank you, Kevin.

The Last Remains
It is Friday, June 11, 2021 as The Last Remains: A Mystery begins and Larry Bright is having fun. He likes wielding sledgehammers and knocking things down. Unfortunately, his fun is seconds away from being ruined as he will find a skeleton behind a wall.
He works for a construction outfit run by Edward Spens. This is not the first time one of his employees has found human remains so Spens knows to call Dr. Ruth Galloway and ask her to come look. He hopes she can easily resolve the situation. By now, he should know better.
She takes one look and knows this skeleton is not that old. This is now a police problem. That means DCI Harry Nelson and his team will have to determine how to proceed. Of course, she will do the paperwork to be involved as they will most likely want her expertise.
In the meantime, Dr. Galloway has a far more personally urgent situation. The semester is ending, papers are being graded, graduation is cancelled again due to Covid, and her entire department may be shut down permanently. A university committee is considering it as her department may be “unprofitable” due to the loss of students from abroad due to the ongoing Covid problem. The Head of Archaeology at the University of North Norfolk could very much be out of a job despite her fame and the fact her department is well known around the world.
Her personal life is a mess as well. Things are not that simple now, if they ever were. Her daughter is growing up, Nelson’s marriage status is still a mess, Cathbad is not right and has not been since the Covid almost killed him, and other things are also in chaos. Teaching has always been her refuge, that and her house on the marsh, and teaching might be ending, at least for now. She is going to need a new income and that could mean having to move to a new job elsewhere.
Much is going on in The Last Remains: A Mystery by Elly Griffiths and I am just skimming the surface here. The title is also fittingly appropriate as well because this is the last book in the series– at least for now.
It ends well despite scaring this reader a couple of times. This last book touches all the bases, brings back several folks, and reminds readers of various important events earlier in this complicated series. It is also a mighty good read and well worth your time.
My reading copy came by way of the Libby/OverDrive app which is still functioning, at least for now and picking up previously placed holds in the Dallas Library System, despite the ongoing Dallas ransomware attack.
Kevin R. Tipple ©2023
I enjoy reading Kevin’s reviews.
Thank you, Jacqueline! I do, too.
Thank you, Lesa. I also appreciate the opportunity to be here.
Thank you, Jacqueline.
Kevin your review was spot on. I have thoroughly enjoyed this series and was apprehensive that Elly Griffiths could end it in a satisfactory way. I loved how she brought in snippets from so many previous books, gave me a few heart stopping moments and left me with hope for the many characters I have come to love.
I like Kevin’s reviews, Susan. No spoilers, but he gets to the heart of the book.
Thank you, Lesa. That is a huge compliment. Of course, I am a big man so huge fits…..
I did too. Without spoiling the read, there was one character that I was really worried about, and was so very relieved that it worked out. The author left everything in a good place.
My hope is that in a few years, she comes back to this series and gives us another one.
Thanks Kevin & Lesa
I recently read #14 (The Locked Room) in the series from 2022, but didn’t realize or didn’t remember the series was ending. I placed a hold via Libby after reading the review.
It’s always my pleasure to host Kevin, MM.
Thank you both. From what I have read, the author is not officially saying the series is definitely ending. She is referring to it –taking a break– with no timetable for a return. So, as I read her various deals, she is not saying never. More like–not anytime soon.
So, my hope is she takes the break, and a few months from now, she gets an idea and starts a new book.
I’ve read all the series but was annoyed and disappointed in this finale.Ruth has become really dourcand unsatisfied with things she has wanted for a long time.It is almost as though she has changed her mind but is still..unusually considering her intelligence..uncertain how to escape.It will cost poor Harry so much more to go with Ruth but she lustfully doesn’t care.
Oh, that’s a shame, Patricia. I haven’t read the series because I couldn’t get into the first one. But, I’m sorry the final book didn’t hold up for you.