When Kevin Tipple sent his review of Steve Goble’s latest book, Wayward Son, I recognized Goble’s name immediately. I haven’t read the Ed Runyon books that Kevin is reviewing, but way back in 2017, I reviewed Goble’s debut novel, The Bloody Black Flag. It was a bloody, compelling novel of pirates, filled with historical details. You can find my review here. https://tinyurl.com/354pfpx7

Knowing of Goble’s past writing, I was all the more eager to read Kevin’s review. Thank you, Kevin.

Wayward Son by Steve Goble

Picking up a few months after City Problems and shortly before the Covid outbreak in the United States, Ed Runyon is no longer a Mifflin County Sheriff’s Deputy. He has started Whiskey River Investigations and, as a private investigator, will focus on missing kids.  Missing kid cases are important to him and a major reason why he left New York.

Jimmy Zachman is missing. His parents, Tammy and Bob Zachman meet with Mr. Runyon and are doing everything they can to hold it together. The 15-year-old has been missing around 24 hours and they have no idea why he left. While they claim they have no idea, but Ed Runyon sees a couple of possible reasons right from the start. But, he is not there to discuss religion or politics. He is there to find their missing son.

The search for Jimmy will take Runyon far from Jimmy’s home on Poplar Street in Ambleton, Ohio. It will involve technology, a chess app, and a lot more, in a complex case where nothing is as it seems.

As this the second book in the series that began with City Problems, it would be best to have read that book first. Not only do several of the recurring characters return here, time has passed, and some situations have changed a little bit. Additionally, events of the first book are referenced repeatedly and ultimately play a role here, so read in order.

Wayward Son: An Ed Runyon Mystery is a good one. Like City Problems, the read is highly recommended.

My reading copy came from the Kleberg Rylie Branch of the Dallas Public Library System.

Kevin R. Tipple ©2023