A reader recently joked that I should review books I didn’t like because then she wouldn’t add them to her TBR pile. Margaret Fenton’s Little White Lies wasn’t for me. I didn’t like social worker Claire Conover at all in this third mystery in the series set in Birmingham, Alabama. Some readers may like it, saying Claire always has good intentions. However, I felt as if the ‘little white lies” were Claire’s, and I didn’t trust her.
When an explosion kills a man in Dr. Marcus Freedman’s office, it isn’t long before Claire gets involved. The Black professor is running for mayor, but it’s his white aide, later identified as Jason O’Dell, who is killed in the blast. Then, Claire is called to a daycare when eight-month-old Madeline O’Dell’s father doesn’t show to pick her up. The baby becomes a ward of the Department of Human Services, and it’s Claire’s case. But, Jason O’Dell is actually Jason Alsbrook, the son of a mining millionaire. Maddie’s maternal grandfather is Dr. Freedman. And, Jason’s parents want nothing to do with their granddaughter, Jason’s child with a Black drug addict.
While Claire originally met with Kirk, a reporter friend, to try to track Maddie’s family, she continues to work with him. She also brings her work home with her. At 2 a.m., thirteen-year-old LaReesa Jones shows up at DHS, abused and wanting to go home with Claire. Despite all departmental regulations, and, without discussing it with her partner, Grant, Claire takes in the teen. And, then Claire expects Grant to help with LaReesa, without a conversation.
The mystery involves the explosion that killed Jason Alsbrook, but Claire is too involved in the investigation for a social worker. She’s angry, short-tempered, guilty of hiding the truth. And, I just didn’t like her dishonesty in her personal and professional life. Little White Lies, and Claire Conover, isn’t for me.
Margaret Fenton’s website is https://margaretfenton.com/
Little White Lies by Margaret Fenton. Aakenbaaken & Kent, 2023. ISBN 9781958022108 (paperback), 170p.
FTC Full Disclosure – The publicist sent me a copy of the book, hoping I would review it.
Unfortunately this book doesn’t sound like one for me either. I say that it is unfortunate because Birmingham, AL is the city I was born and raised in and I would love to find a mystery set there that I enjoyed. Oh well.
I get that, Tracy. I love to read books when I’m familiar with the setting.
I think I’ll pass on this one too. I find knowing why someone didn’t like a book is sometimes just as helpful as knowing why they liked one.
And, sometimes the books I don’t like appeal to readers for another reason. So, I don’t mind saying that one isn’t for me.
Thanks for this, Lesa! I started a did-not-finish shelf on Goodreads for books I didn’t like enough to finish, instead of having them hang out in “currently reading” indefinitely. I considered attaching mini-reviews but I don’t think my friends are that interested in what I am reading 🙂
You’re welcome, Trisha. I finished it, but only because it was short.