Lori Allen is owner/operator of
one of the biggest and busiest bridal mega-salons in the country, Atlanta’s
Bridals by Lori. But she’s also a wife, mother, grandmother, and breast cancer
Whether you’re feeling invisible, disappearing into the fabric
of your couch a little more every year, or simply being indecisive about what’s
next, Lori offers herself as the poster child of what to do, not do, and how to
see your way through the unexpected.
From the star of “Say Yes to the Dress: Atlanta”, now filming
its eleventh season for TLC, comes a book and a life-makeover movement for
women approaching fifty and beyond. In Say
Yes to What’s Next
she addresses essential issues such as “Get off the
couch and live your passion”, and “Marriage is awesome, but it’s no fairytale.”

Here’s Lori Allen’s guest post.

5 Ways to “Say Yes” to Summer Fun with Lori Allen
You don’t need a family beach getaway to enjoy the outdoors this summer! Whether you’re still sheltering at home, or you’re able to incorporate some loved ones back into your life, here are 5 of my favorite outdoor summer activities:
·       Grilling & Eating Outdoors – Whether you have a permanent outdoor kitchen or you have a simple grill set up in your backyard, grilling and eating outdoors is the quintessential taste of summer. I love when my husband Eddie grills steak, chicken or veggies for us. We enjoy the fresh air, the sunshine, and those long, lazy days of summer. 
·       Gardening – I cannot get enough of summer gardening! I’ve become the stereotypical Southern woman complete with floppy hat and gardening gloves, who spends the summer tending to my flower bed and all my spring planting. Check out this blog post with some of my favorite Southern gardening tips.
·       Lawn games – We like to take advantage of our beautiful yards and set up some lawn games! Bocce ball, cornhole with your family, even giant games of connect four and chess/checkers are great activities to play with your spouse, friends, and your grandkids!
·       Reading – I don’t have to tell you that reading outside is one of the great pleasures of summer. If you have a front porch or back patio, they make a shady, cozy spot for reading an afternoon away!
·       Watching the sunset – When was the last time you made a conscious decision to just watch the sunset? We get so caught up in our day to day lives, that we forget to witness God’s beauty! In the summer, I like to relax on a lounge chair and just watch the sunset through the trees. When the sky turns those glorious shades of pastels, it makes me feel so happy and alive.

Find more great tips in Say Yes to What’s Next” by Lori Allen.

Say Yes to What’s Next by Lori Allen. Thomas Nelson, 2020. ISBN 9780785234135  (hardcover), 240p.