Congratulations to the winners of the last giveaway. Linda L. from Louisville, KY won Death in Provence. Cathryn D. of Aiken, SC won the copy of Dressed for Death in Burgundy. I’ll put the books in the mail today.

This week, I’m giving away two books, very different, that were both released in February. Charles Finch’s The Vanishing Man is a historical mystery, a prequel to his Charles Lenox series. The theft of an antique painting sends a young Charles Lenox on a hunt for a criminal mastermind. In London, 1853, Lenox is called upon by the Duke of Dorset. A painting has been stolen from his study, but left behind is one that’s much more valuable, one that holds a key to one of the country’s most famous and best-kept secrets. Lenox’s fear that the wrong painting was stolen results in a theft and murder. Then, the Dorset family closes ranks to protect their reputation and the secret.

You have your choice, a historical mystery, or Barry Eisler’s contemporary thriller, The Killer Collective. Seattle PD sex-crimes detective Livia Lone, assassin John Rain, and former Marine sniper Dox form a testy alliance to combat a vile conspiracy involving corrupt and toxic government agencies.
Which crime novel would you like to win? You can enter to win both, but I need separate entries. Email me at You subject line should read either “Win The Vanishing Man” or “Win The Killer Collective.” Please include your name and mailing address. The giveaway will end Thursday, March 14 at 5 PM CT. Entries from the U.S. only, please.