Merry Christmas!
This has been a magical Christmas for me. I’m home with my Mom, for the first time in thirty years. We’ve laughed a lot, made candies together, visited friends, played cards, enjoyed all of her decorations, and drove around to see other decorations. One sister will be here with her family, and later in the week, I’ll go to visit the other sister.
As you get older, it’s obvious the best part of Christmas is family, and I’m lucky to be able to be here this year with Mom. I’m lucky to have sisters I love and enjoy. It makes for a special Christmas season.
I know Christmas season is not always easy for some people, and I have some friends and readers here who have had a difficult year. I wish you peace for Christmas. Please know you’re thought of with love.
I wish everyone love, peace and laughter for the holiday season. (And, of course, good books to read!)
Happy Christmas!
Have the most wonderful time with your family!
Thank you for your blog. It has been great to learn about new books and to remember about some of the ones I loved!
Merry Christmas, Lesa!
Glad you're having such a good time.
Lesa, wishing you and your family a wonderful day! Bet your Mom is so happy you are with her. Take care and Merry Christmas!!
Lesa, nice to hear you are having a wonderful time being home for Christmas.
Merry Christmas everyone.
Merry Christmas to all of you. Thank you for reading with me all year! Hugs and I hope you're all enjoying family this year.
Merry Christmas to you and yours, Lesa. Bail money on standby should you need it ….again.
Merry Christmas, Lesa! Here's to finally meeting in person, Buckeyes at the Rose Bowl, Books, meeting Sara, buckeyes and books!
Thank you, Kevin! Nice to know that money's on standby! You might need to save it for Dallas!
Oh, Jean! Thank you for everything! Merry Christmas!
Merry Christmas Lesa! So happy you are having a wonderful time.
And the same to you friend. So glad you're with your family – it's always special.
I agree that family and extended family make Christmas. We spent the day with our god family as we do each year, and, as always, it was lovely.