Many of you may have already heard from Midnight Ink authors or Terri Bischoff, acquisitions editor at Midnight Ink. The publisher is closing after the spring/summer 2019 season. Staff at Midnight Ink will lose their jobs, and so many authors will have to try to find a new home for their books.
So, today, I’m posting a reminder. This doesn’t represent all of the authors or books from Midnight Ink. Check the website. This just represents the books I’ve reviewed in the last year that were published by them. You might want to watch for these books or the authors. There are some excellent selections here.
Last Call by Paula Matter –

The Negotiator by Brendan DuBois –

Hollywood Ending by Kellye Garrett –

Big Woods by May Cobb –
Beyond the Pale by Clare O’Donohue –

Fiction Can Be Murder by Becky Clark –

Scot Free by Catriona McPherson –

Deja Moo by Kirsten Weiss –

Other Midnight Ink authors, including award nominees, are Lisa Alber, Elizabeth Perona, Julia Thomas, Leslie Budewitz, Edith Maxwell, Nadine Neitman. There are many others. I’m sorry for Terri Bischoff, who acquired books by these authors. I’m sorry for the authors. And, I’m sorry for those of us who are readers.
Note to Midnight Ink authors: If you would like to write a guest post, in a positive vein, about your books or characters, or ask me to interview you for the blog anytime before next summer, please contact me. I’ll be glad to discuss a date and topic with you. My email address is Your subject line should read Midnight Ink author. I might not get back to you immediately, but it will be soon after you write. Good luck to all of you.
Well that stinks. Like you, I loved THE NEGOTIATOR.
I agree. It stinks. We still have about 9 months or so, Jeff, but that's it. And, all those authors will be looking for another publishing home.
Thanks so much, Lesa. It's terrible news, for Terri most of all. My fifth Quaker Midwife mystery is now orphaned, but I'm determined to find a home for it and the series. Have sent you an email under separate cover.
It is terrible news, Edith. I'm sorry for Terri and all the authors. Sent you a note back.
I was so, so sad to hear this, Lesa. My heart goes out to all the Midnight Ink authors and staff. Could I add a few more authors to your list – I've acquired these books either at Malice this year, through that 'Guppy Book of the Month' prize I won at Malice, or at Left Coast Crime:
Tracy Weber – Pre-Meditated Murder
Aimee Hix – What Doesn't Kill You
Kathleen Ernst – Old World Murder
Eileen Rendahl – Cover Me in Darkness
Lissa Marie Redmond – A cold Day in Hell
I feel the urge to read all of these sooner rather than later and also the authors you mentioned (I own some of their books too). Sigh. Here's my best hope that they will find a home for their great series!!
Thank you, Kay. I appreciate the list. And I received 4 in the mail today from Dana Kaye.
Sad news, indeed. Thank ou for the list, though.
It's far too early in the day for such depressing news.
You're welcome, Elizabeth. I'm sorry, LuAnn.
What a shame when a publisher goes out of business for probably good business reasons, however the fallout for the employees and authors is heart wrenching.
I do hope that these terrific authors find a new home soon.
Thank you!!!
Thank you, Lesa. The only good thing about this is finding out for even surer what a warm community we're lucky to be part of.
Thank you, Lesa. This came as a shock to all of us, but the mystery community has been amazing.
Thank you all these books sound interesting. So I add all these in my collection. I will get these books later and read these great story. Thanks for sharing these great story. Here I found another mystery novel that I Download People Like Us PDF eBook from ebook store. Hope you all like the novel.
Thanks so much for the shout-out, Lesa. It's definitely sad and disruptive, but the outpouring of support from readers and writers gives me the warm fuzzies!