Murder on “B” Deck was Vincent Starrett’s first mystery novel. While his best known book was The Private Life of Sherlock Holmes, according to Starrett expert Ray Betzner, Murder on “B” Deck was his first mystery, and the one that introduced his “dilettante” sleuth, Walter Ghost. Otto Penzler reprints the book as part of his “American Mystery Classics”. series. The 1929 book is a little slow-paced for many of today’s readers, but fans of Golden Age mysteries will want to try it.
Novelist Dunstan Mollock has had a little much to drink when he’s on the Latakia, seeing his sister and her new husband off on their honeymoon trip to Europe.He leaves the shop, but remembers he meant to leave his latest novel with his sister, so he runs back onboard. And, the ship sails before Mollock can leave again.
Mollock realizes he’s making his first trip to Europe, but he makes the most of it. He falls for a young blonde, Dhu Harrington, and he meets up with an old school friend, Walter Ghost. In fact, Mollock is writing an amusing detective story for Miss Harrington when a passenger at the Captain’s table is murdered. Because of his reputation as a troubleshooter, the Captain calls on Ghost. Ghost admits he’s never tried to solve a murder mystery, but it becomes even more urgent when a second person from the Captain’s table goes overboard.
Although Ghost only has five days and suspects limited to those on the ship, I found the mystery drawn out. The sleuth spends a great deal of time pondering the case, and his own actions. But, it’s an excellent example of a Golden Age mystery with a small cast of suspects. Mollock is the lovesick, bumbling “Watson” to Ghost’s detective.
The introduction by Betzner provides Starrett’s background. Knowing Murder on “B” Deck was the first full-length mystery by the author means the reader can see it as a debut mystery written when writers were still attempting to follow in the footsteps of Sherlock Holmes. As I said, it’s not going to be for most readers of contemporary mysteries, but those interested in past efforts may want to try this one.
Murder on “B” Deck by Vincent Starrett. Penzler Publishers, 2022. ISBN 9781613162781 (hardcover), 235p.
FTC Full Disclosure – I received a galley to review for a journal.
I may (or may not?) have read this one years ago. Starrett was a very famous Sherlockian and co-founder of the Chicago branch of the Baker Street Irregulars. I have a collection of his short stories, COFFINS FOR TWO, on the Kindle.
I think I’d be interested in this Sherlock Holmes stories, Jeff.
Definitely for Golden Age fans. I looked at an earlier release of this title last year for my blog. https://happinessisabook.com/fridays-forgotten-book-murder-on-b-deck-by-vincent-starrett/
Thank you, Aubrey, especially for the link. I went back to read your post. I appreciate the background!