‘Tis the season means it takes a little while to get through books. I just received Anne Cleeland’s latest book, Murder in Hindsight. She’s going to kick off the 2016 book giveaways by giving away all three books in her Scotland Yard mystery series. And, I’m excited about that. But, I’m one of those people who has to start at the beginning of a series, and I haven’t read the earlier books. So, I just started Murder in Thrall, the book that introduces Detective Constable Kathleen Doyle and Chief Inspector Michael Sinclair, Lord Acton. But, no promises as to how far I’ll get tonight.

So, since we may have to save a discussion of what we’re reading for tomorrow, I’m going to throw out another question today. Tell me about a mystery series you read that requires the reader start from the beginning. I know sometimes fans sometimes recommend new readers start at a later book because the author improves. Tell me which one must be started from book one.