No, it really isn’t that bad. But, right now I’m balancing reading for reviews, getting ready for retirement, and getting ready to move, all processes that take time. I have posts scheduled for Tuesday and Wednesday, but they really shouldn’t be moved. So, while I’m trying to juggle my life, I know you’re all patient, and you’ll bear with me. i’ll be back tomorrow.

I don’t know how you do everything you do on a regular basis. Of COURSE you get a day off. Hope you get what you need!
You have so much going on in the next few months. Thanks for taking us along on your journey and take as much time off as you need. I’ll bet most of us can use a few days where we are not adding new items to our TBR piles.
Good luck with all of the preparations and packing! I went through something similar last year, and it was a lot. I am glad you are taking this day.
Don’t be fooled. She is lying around naked, drinking whiskey, eating bon bons, and watching some reality television trash.
The court will note that the filed response was not a denial.
Very good, Kevin!
No problem, getting ready for our move is why I have missed posting several times. Things run over, and before you know it other things get missed. You have a whole lot on your plate. Not possible to juggle all of it without a ball hitting the ground! Take all you need.
We spent yesterday traveling, from Portland, Maine to my cousins’ in Connecticut, and then from htere home. The weather looked much worse today so we decided to come home early and it was clearly the right mood. Rain started (lightly) just as we got home (at 6:30) and is raining hard now, both here and in Connecticut. Not a fun day to be on the road.
It’s weird. I just checked the library and they do have the Bruce Borgos book, but they don’t have Otto’s GOLDEN AGE BIBLIOMYSTERIES or any of the collections that Tony Medawar edited.
Rest your weary self, sista! ❤
Sending hugs!
Thank you everyone! I appreciate your patience.
And, I’m glad you’re home safe, Jeff!