I have several reasons I have nothing to post today, although Sandie Herron would tell me I could have used one of her archived reviews. Nope. I had good intentions, and then my device wouldn’t Sync when I needed the title I wanted. And, it’s cold here. Instead of reading last night, Josh (my cat) and I huddled together under the afghan. I even threw my fluffy robe in the dryer to warm it before Josh and I huddled together. So, we fell asleep, and I didn’t read.
As I said, all kinds of excuses. But, there’s no review here today. I have nothing.

I am sorry you are so cold, Lesa, and your sweet cat too. I hate to be cold.
I love this actually. There may not have been reading but there was snuggling! Sending you Arizona warmth.
I’ll take the warm wishes!
You could have used one of my archived reviews as well.
Kevin, I’ve been through all the reviews you sent me!
Okay. I could send more if you wish. Did not want to overstep.
We had our first sleet of the season last night. No accumulation.
I’ll always take more of your excellent reviews, Kevin. Thank you. Stay off the roads, and stay safe!
Tomorrow is a new day!
That’s okay. Settle in with your cat Josh, and we will be looking forward to your return with working equipment and the warmth will be there to keep you comfy soon once again.
Stay warm! Thanks for at least posting that you had nothing.
You should buy a corn bag. You put it in the microwave to heat up and then put it on your lap under the afghan. Warms you right up.A boss gave me one years ago and now we have several in the house. The site I got them from was cornbagwarmers.com
Oh, off to look for a corn bag. Thanks, Sandy!
Lesa, some days are like that. Try to stay warm and enjoy your weekend.
Thank you Sandy….you just made my Christmas gift ideas easy!!! 🙂
I love all of you. It’s still cold here, but Josh and I are warm. I have tea, sunshine, and a good book. And, I know the temperatures will be in the 50s next week!
Everyone deserves a day off!!! Love you, Lesa.
Love you, too, Wendall!
Hope that you can get warmed up. Miserable being cold. I have a wonderful dog blanket with paw prints on it to keep me warm. It is soft and cuddly and I thought I need to stay warm too so I got it for myself.
Enjoy a cuddly day. I am reading “the book haters club”. Started it,put it down. Glad I picked it back up. Story line is good,keeps me interested and makes me laugh
Enjoy your day, Lesa! Can’t think of a better day than a good book and a snuggly kitty!
A good book and a sweet kitty make life warm and sweet.
You know me too well! It’s even colder in Florida – down to 50 last night. You remember when that felt cold. I seem to remember this happened last November – a shot of cold early but then it backed off until the new year. We can hope! In the meantime, I’m sure Josh loves the extra cuddling. So you see, your nothing is actually something! Hugs.
You’re right, Sandie. And, I finished a book, have a review for tomorrow, and all of the good wishes from readers. Thank you everyone!