It seems this is the season for “Agony Aunt” mysteries. Although Mary Winters’ March release, Murder in Postscript is set twenty years earlier than Anastasia Hastings’ Of Manners and Murder, both books feature young women tasked with writing advice columns in London. And, both women find themselves involved in an investigation when one of their correspondents ends up dead.
The ” Dear Miss Hermione” column in A Woman’s Place magazine is popular in 1885, so Violet Manville is shocked when her Aunt Adelia announces she’s running off to the continent with her latest fling, and she’s leaving her “Miss Hermione” advice column in Violet’s capable hands. However, when the first letter writer claims that someone is trying to kill her, Violet thinks she needs to track down her correspondent and reassure her. The writer, Ivy, sends along some newspaper clippings, so Violet decides to set off to the village of Willingdale to meet the nervous young wife.
While Violet hatches her schemes, her half sister, Sephora, plots to leave the house and rendezvous with the man she loves, Franklin Radcliffe. He’s handsome, with dark hair, and a strong jaw. But, Sephora can’t meet him often because he has an invalid mother. The fluttery young lady just accepts all his excuses, but she’s determined nothing will keep her from the man she loves.
Violet and Sephora both have the opportunity to tell their stories. Violet takes the train to Willingdale only to discover she’s too late. Ivy is dead. Despite various stories as to how Ivy Clague Armstrong died, Violet is now convinced she was murdered, and that Ivy might have left behind clues as to who wanted to kill her. In the meantime, Sephora seeks help from someone who might give her advice about her relationship. She writes to ” Dear Miss Hermione”.
While the story is a little slow, and it takes time for Violet to realize what is actually happening, Of Manners and Murder reaches an exciting climax, plotwise and emotionally. The final scene offers hope for the future of the series, and a possibility of unexpected romance. I’ll be watching for the next in this series.
Of Manners and Murder by Anastasia Hastings. Minotaur, 2023. ISBN 9781250848567 (hardcover), 304p.
FTC Full Disclosure – I read a galley to review for a journal.