No, On with the Butter is not a cookbook or a biography of Paula Deen. Heidi Herman’s nonfiction title is a surprisingly entertaining self-help book about celebrating life no matter what your age. And, her best example, used throughout the book, is her mother, an Icelandic immigrant to the U.S. who lived into her nineties, raised ten children, and enjoyed living.

According to Herman, “On with the butter is an old Icelandic expression that means ‘carry on,’ ‘keep doing what you’re doing,’ ‘forge ahead,’ or ‘keep moving.'” She says she learned that phrase from her mother, who never stopped moving. The book, and the sentiment, seems particularly appropriate right now, when we’re basically housebound, and have to find ways to incorporate joy and anticipation into our lives. I’ll admit, it’s not easy for me when so many activities I love have been taken away from me. And, many of the activities Herman suggests in her book are for the future because we can’t incorporate them right now. But, there are lessons in the book, and suggestions that can be used right now.

Many of the ideas Herman suggests involve a willingness to be spontaneous. Say yes. I said yes when a friend asked if I wanted to go to Paris. I said yes when another friend asked if I wanted to go to Australia. These were opportunities that might not come around again. The Australian trip was canceled due to Covid, but I’ll always treasure the trip to Paris with three other women. Those memories are priceless.

While some of Heidi Herman’s ideas won’t surprise you, she puts them together beautifully, and the stories she uses to illustrate them are fresh. This book, while useful for any reader, is aimed at those of us who are a little older. Looking for ideas for retirement? You might want to pick up this book. She suggests outdoor activities, volunteer ones, family stories and searches for heritage. Take a class. Continue to learn. Explore your hometown. And, don’t look at this book negatively, saying I can’t do any of those activities because of Covid. There are ones you can do right now. There are also plenty of activities you can plan for the future. Planning may be part of the fun.

Perhaps Herman’s greatest message is to be open to the world and embrace life. As I said, her mother is her example. When she was ninety-three, she committed to trying and sharing ninety-three new experiences before her 94th birthday. Herman lists all of those activities at the end of the book. “Keep Moving. Keep Doing. Keep Living.” There are excellent ideas and life lessons in this book. Readers just need an open heart and the willingness to embrace the idea. On with the Butter!

Heidi Herman’s website is

On with the Butter!: Spread More Living onto Everyday Life by Heidi Herman. Hekla Publishing, 2020. ISBN 9781947233034 (paperback), 235p.


FTC Full Disclosure – The publicist sent a copy of the book, hoping I would review it.