Lesa's Book Critiques
Sharing Books and Authors, with an Emphasis on MysteriesRecent Posts
The Wolf Tree by Laura McCluskey
I'm always so pleased when a debut novel lives up to my expectations. With its isolation and brooding atmosphere, loneliness and anger, Laura McCluskey's The Wolf Tree is reminiscent of the first Shetland Island mystery by Ann Cleeves, Raven Black. But, McCluskey...
Kevin’s Corner Annex – Murder New York Style
It's always fun to share one of Kevin Tipple's reviews. Usually, I haven't read these books, and this one is an older title. Kevin originally read Murder New York Style in 2007. Thank you, Kevin! Regional anthologies, as opposed to ones on a certain literary them...
Red, White & Blue Murder by Bill Crider
After finishing Bill Crider's twelfth Sheriff Dan Rhodes mystery, Red, White & Blue Murder, I admire his storytelling skills even more. Although the books are all set in a small area in Texas, Crider doesn't hesitate to include the regular residents of Blacklin...
A Slant of Light by Kathryn Lasky
I'll admit I bogged down in the middle of Kathryn Lasky's third Georgia O'Keeffe historical mystery, A Slant of Light. Lasky had to bring together so many characters, so much history. And, some of what I love about these books was missing at times. O'Keeffe, as an...
Lindy Gomm’s Favorites of 2024
I like to host the Favorites of 2024 posts. We get to see what our online friends are reading from all over the world. Today, it's Lindy Gomm's turn to talk about her favorite books of 2024. Thank you, Lindy! THE NIGHT IN QUESTION by Susan Fletcher - An absolutely...
What Are You Reading?
Although we're expecting icy rain overnight, I have no weather complaints for this past week, other than it was cold. And, I did nothing exciting this week, except read. So, I can move on right to books. Don't forget tomorrow is Favorites Friday. Lindy will have a...