Lesa's Book Critiques
Sharing Books and Authors, with an Emphasis on MysteriesRecent Posts
The Incident of the Book in the Nighttime by Vicki Delany
In the tenth book in Vicki Delany's Sherlock Holmes Bookshop Mystery series, The Incident of the Book in the Nighttime, the author packs up bookstore owner Gemma Doyle and her friends and sends them to London. You would think West London, Massachusetts would be...
The Lost House by Melissa Larsen
I liked the premise of Melissa Larsen's novel, The Lost House, but she lost me with her protagonist. Agnes Glin was too troubled for me to appreciate her story. She's terrified, lonely, and an addict, not my kind of character. In 1979, long before she was born,...
Lights! Camera! Mayhem! by Jodi Taylor
It had been a while since I read one of Jodi Taylor's Chronicles of St. Mary's, so I went to her blog when I finished the sthort story (really a novella), Lights! Camera! Mayhem! I wasn't at all surprised to find that Terry Pratchett had referred a reader to her...
Irish Soda Bread Murder by Carlene O’Connor, et Al
I always look forward to the mystery collections by Carlene O'Connor, Peggy Ehrhart, and Liz Ireland. Their collections contain three novellas with a common theme, a holiday or a food. This time, it's Irish Soda Bread Murder in time for St. Patrick's Day. But, the...
MM Jones’ Favorites of 2024
Thanks to MM Jones for today's list of Favorite Books read in 2024. It's fun to see what others have enjoyed during the reading year. I'm sure others will enjoy the list, too. Category - DEBUT Sleeping in the Sun by Joanne Howard Two visitors arrive at a home in...
What Are You Reading?
I know it's Thursday, and we're here to talk books, but I just want to extend my thoughts to any of you facing fires in California, and those of us in the Midwest who have been dealing with snow and ice. I'm thinking of all of you. We had 5 1/2 inches of snow here...