The Bexley Public Library recently hosted Amanda Jones, author of That Librarian: The Fight Against Book Banning in America. They joined with the Upper Arlington Public Library and the Worthington Public Library, along with Gramercy Books to bring the librarian, author, and accidental activist to the Columbus area. Jones was interviewed by Amelia Robinson, Opinion and Community Engagement Editor for the Columbus Dispatch.

Ben Heckman, Director of the Bexley Public Library, welcomed the audience, saying the library knows how to have fun. But, in addition, they believe in the public’s right to read, research, and find what you want. They believe in intellectual freedom.

Amanda Jones’ introduction included the fact that she has been an educator for twenty-three years. She was the President of the Louisiana Association of School Librarians, and won numerous awards, including School Library Journal Librarian of the Year. She is a co-founder of the Livingston Parish Library Alliance, and founding member of Louisiana Citizens Against Censorship.

One thing to remember is that Jones has lived in Livingston Parish her entire life. She lives next to her parents. She went to school there, and now is an educator there. So, Jones knows the local people who attack her. She quoted the poem “Invictus”, “I am the master of my fate: I am the captain of my soul.” She said that serves as a daily reminder.

She also read the dedication in her book. Part of it says, “To Judy Blume and Michelle Obama (in the unlikely event that they read my book). And, it ends, “For the librarians. Invictus.” She does have a chapter addressed to both Obama and Blume. “Are you there Michelle? It’s Me, Amanda: It’s Hard to Go High When the Haters Go So Low.”

When Amelia Robinson said Jones is a hero, she denied it. She doesn’t think of herself as a hero. It was how she was raised, as a Southern Baptist who believes in the First Amendment. She went to library school when Harry Potter was the hot issue, and thought that was the biggest thing librarians would have to face. She never thought people she grew up with would ever be so hateful over books.

It all started July 19, 2022. Jones learned the library board meeting was going to discuss book banning, and she went as a citizen. This was the public library, and Jones works in a school. But, she grew up in the town, and she was one of thirty people who addressed the board. Her speech is reprinted in That Librarian. She spent half her life dedicated to children, but she’s been called a child groomer and compared to a child predator. It makes her angry. It’s disgusting when anyone makes the comments, but it’s worse when it’s people she knows. Jones doesn’t back down. She stares them in the eyes until they look away. She’s cried when it’s someone she knows who attacks her, including her kindergarten teacher, and a woman who had written a letter saying her son wouldn’t have graduated if it hadn’t been for Jones, who is also a reading specialist. She felt bombarded at first, and locked down all her social media.

Asked how it’s been since the book came out, Jones said it hasn’t been a walk in the park since people read about themselves in the book. She names people because she has the screenshots and records to back up her story. It’s been hard. She said she has heard from all kinds of former students who affirmed what she needs to do. One former student is a gay attorney in D.C. who says he’s happy. But, she finds it sad he had to leave town to be happy because he would have been ostracized if he’d stayed.

Two years after that library meeting, people are still harassing Amanda Jones. Asked for advice, she stressed the Right to Read. She said it’s important to build coalitions. Despite the politics in Louisiana, groups killed 7 out of 9 extreme book bills in the legislature.There’s an entire chapter in her book as to steps that can be taken. When a person complains about a book’s placement in the library, or a book, Jones challenges them to prove it. “Give me titles.” They can’t. She said it’s not fair that we have to respond with kindness and respect. There’s a double standard.

Asked why is this all happening, Jones said there’s a road map. It begins with riling up a community by using text out of context. Sometimes, it’s to erase history. Politicians whip people into a frenzy for power and money. Then, they turn to legislation. They’re erasing history and people. They’re prioritizing schools an libraries because they want charter schools and public or church libraries. People are sheep, led by politicians who are in it for powere and money.

She mentioned going high when they go low, but people forget Jones has lived in Livingston Parish her entire life. She’s got dirt upon dirt upon dirt on people.

Asked the status of her court case since she sued people for defamation. She said she could know the results in weeks or in eight years. The first case was dismissed with the judge saying people were just expressing their opinions, and she was a public figure. The First Circuit Court dismissed the appeal on a technicality. They have filed in the Louisiana Supreme Court.

Asked how it’s affected her role in her school, she said she’s still buying the books she buys, and doing her job. But, a friend who supported her didn’t get a job because of that.

One question was about the laws in various states. She said in Louisiana, her local state legislator tried to pass House Bill 777. If you attend ALA (the American Library Association), you could face two years hard labor in prison. That bill was defeated. But, librarians can be arrested and imprisoned in Missouri.

How does she take care of herself? Several people, including her sister, suggested therapy. That helped, and, now that the book is out, she knows she’ll need it again. She reads the messages, and despite supportive ones, the hateful ones stand out. She took medication because it’s important to take care of yourself.

When asked about social media, she said she now uses it a lot. Operation Truth uses it a lot. She’s a co-founder of the Louisiana Association Against Censorship. Social media accelerates all of this.

Someone asked why schools and libraries. Jones said the chance to attack them increased with COVID. They find fault with schools first, and then libraries. Messages include “Stop the WOKE indoctrination in schools.” They’re attacking schools and books. They’re pushing vouchers.

One thing Amanda Jones does is invoke nostalgia. She asks people about what they read as a child. Do you want to see The Boxcar Children, or other books removed from the library. What if they took your favorite book away?

She did a presentation with all 700 of her students about the danger in their hands, their cell phones. That’s more dangerous than the school or public library. What they see online is worse than what is on page 100 in a book.

The concluding statement was a powerful one from a retired school librarian from Ohio. She said we owe it to future generations to see they’re fully educated. Just because Ohio has outstanding libraries, award-winning ones that are the envy of other states, we can’t rest on our laurels in Ohio. We have to be vigilant.

And, Amanda Jones returned to “Invictus”.

That Librarian: The Fight Against Book Banning in Libraries by Amanda Jones. Bloomsbury Publishing, 2024. ISBN 9781639733538 (hardcover).