All of the familiar, beloved characters in Miranda James’ cozy series return in Requiem for a Mouse. Charlie Harris, archivist and librarian, is back with his Maine Coon Cat, Diesel, along with all the members of his household and extended family. Although Charlie isn’t as actively involved in the latest case as he would like, sooner or later all the suspects show up in Charlie’s office at Athena College.

Tara Martin is a new employee who works part-time in the archives. Charlie finds her a little odd, and his friend Melba Gilley agrees with him. Tara has no social skills, and tends to blurt out things without thinking, comments that aren’t very tactful. When Charlie checks with his fiancee, Helen Louise Brady, at her French bistro, she says the same thing. Tara works part-time for her, and usually has to work in the kitchen because she’s been known to disappear when she’s working the floor.

In fact, it’s one of Tara’s disappearing acts that worries Charlie. She’s part of the bistro’s catering team at the housewarming at the farmhouse home of Charlies’s son and daughter-in-law. She’s working when all of a sudden, seeing the party guests, she turns pale and leaves. When Charlie finally tracks her down, she insists she had a panic attack. But, Charlie thinks she looks frightened. He insists on driving her home, to a sketchy side of town. But, he’s shocked to learn she’s been the victim of a hit-and-run accident, and is not expected to live.

When Charlie digs into Tara’s story, he finds a woman with multiple addresses and a fake name. When strangers start to show up at the college, Charlie suspects Tara has a mysterious past. He hands a few clues over to Chief Deputy Kanesha Berry, but those clues only leave Charlie more befuddled. Who was the strange woman who worked in his office?

There were too many fake identities and lies involving the murder investigation, but the sheriff’s department finally arrests the villains. And, let’s face it. Fans of this cozy series read the books to see what Charlie and Diesel are up to, to follow along with Charlie’s relationship and upcoming wedding to Helen Louise, and to catch up with all the friends and family. The murder case might have been a little dragged out, but Requiem for a Mouse satisfies the need to catch up with old friends.

Miranda James’ website is

Requiem for a Mouse by Miranda James. Berkley Prime Crime, 2024. ISBN 9780593199527 (hardcover), 288p.

FTC Full Disclosure – I received a galley through NetGalley to review for a journal.