Tomorrow, you’re all in for a treat, Catriona McPherson, author of Scot & Soda, agreed to answer interview questions, and the post will be up on Monday. Cat is fun, and funny, and, my personal opinion is that the Last Ditch mysteries reflect her sense of humor. Today, I have a review of Scot & Soda.

It’s Halloween. Scottish-born Lexy Campbell is hosting a party for her first American holiday. Her friends from the Last Ditch Motel are all at her anchored houseboat for a fun time. Then, they try to lift the beer she’s chilling in the water in the slough. Instead of beer, they pull up a man’s body. Because he’s dressed as a Scot, everyone assumes the corpse is associated with Lexy.

All assumptions are wrong though in a convoluted mystery that finds Lexy and her friends driving all over Cuento, California as they hunt for clues related to the ghost story “Tam O’Shanter”. Only a Scottish therapist with a shaky grasp of American colloquialisms could manage to tangle up a ghost story, a fiftieth class reunion and a search for a cat groomer. Lexy and her quirky, fiercely loyal friends are once more involved in entertaining escapades with serious consequences.

McPherson follows Scot Free with another appealing cozy mystery. This time, though, the deadpan humor is countered with a somber resolution, and a story about consequences. McPherson stands alone in her ability to tell a hilarious story while revealing the ramifications of crime.

Catriona McPherson’s website is

Scot & Soda by Catriona McPherson. Midnight Ink, 2019. ISBN 9780738754123 (paperback), 312p.

FTC Full Disclosure – I received a copy to review for a journal.