If you don’t read Ellery Queen Mystery Magazine, you probably haven’t read the four stories collected in Charlaine Harris’ new anthology, Small Kingdoms & Other Stories. I’m a fan of Harris’ Lily Bard mysteries, and the Midnight, Texas series. The books are a little dark. So are the stories in this collection.

Meet Anne DeWitt, a high school principal in a small town in North Carolina. She’s only been principal for two years, but she’s doing her best to make Travis High School the best it can be. However, the baseball coach, Holt Halsey, seems to know her true identity. He also knows she killed a man in her house before coming to school one morning. It was the first time in three years that someone had tried to kill her.

I’m not going to give away Anne’s background. It’s part of the enjoyable discoveries in this collection. I will say that Harris reveals a little more about the mysterious woman with each introduction to the four stories. We learn a little about her past. We discover she hates to be ridiculed. And, readers learn just what Anne DeWitt is capable of doing.

If you like an accomplished woman who can take care of herself and keep secrets, a proud woman determined to make a high school the best it can be, meet Anne DeWitt. She just won’t be exactly the type of high school principal you expect.

(Note: I always find anthologies difficult to review. The stories are short, and I certainly don’t want to ruin them. So, instead of a review, I consider this a teaser. If you’re intrigued, pick up Small Kingdoms & Other Stories.)

Charaine Harris’ website is www.charlaineharris.com

Small Kingdoms & Other Stories by Charlaine Harris. JABberwocky Literary Agency, Inc., 2019. ISBN 9781625673787 (paperback), 164p.

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